HDWGH – Story 59 – Saucy Killer

-*From The How Did We Get Here Series*-

**Now**: Echo Stevens was slumped over her box full of greens as the hatch on her Caravan was locked in the open position. To any passersby, it looked like Mrs. Stevens was just taking a quick nap. They just couldn’t explain all of the spaghetti sauce covering the back of the minivan.

**Before**: Echo Stevens had a busy day ahead of her. The retirement party for her husband Red was this evening and she wanted it to be the best party ever. Red loved a good party. In fact, thats how Echo and Red met one summer in Santa Monica along the beach. It had to be the biggest beach party they had ever seen in their young lives. The sunset, the atmosphere, and the romantic setting was all that was needed to ignite the fire of a relationship that would span 40 years.

Most of the supplies that she needed had been purchased already but Echo needed some extra greens for her magnificent salad and she needed some extra sauce for the hand made ravioli that made her the talk of the town. Echo fired up the minivan and made her way towards the new grocery store on the east side of town.

The lines were short today and it took her a few minutes to run and grab the things she needed. She would have plenty of time to make this the best party ever.

Echo placed the greens on the left side of the rear of the minivan and set the six jars of spaghetti sauce on the right hand side. Placing the sauce down on the mat was the last thing that Echo Marie Stevens would ever know. Jar number 3 exploded as she set it down throwing shards of glass in every direction including her left eye, lower abdomen, and multiple locations on her legs and arms. The piece that penetrated her left eye was a rather large piece that destroyed her eye and continued into her brain.
