HDWGH – Story 22 – Fun in the Sun

From The How Did We Get Here Series

Now: Leslie Thompson woke up from a perfectly good nap that she had begun on her beach chair in her back yard next to her pool. Her eyes grew wide as she realized that she wasn’t wearing any clothes and she wasn’t in her backyard. She was in her front yard where a passing car filled with teenage boys with their cellphones out yelled and beeped the horn. She heard pool water splashing behind her. Leslie screamed.

Before: One day before…Larry Thompson couldn’t be more pissed off. Both he and his best friend Seth had planned an afternoon swim in the family’s backyard pool. Larry always had to check before he took his friend back to the pool and sure enough, his fucking sister was back there with her top off sun bathing and effectively shutting down Larry’s afternoon of pool time fun with his friend. It was always a good thing that he checked first.

Today…Larry tried not to be overly nice to his sister so she wouldn’t suspect anything as he brought her a full glass of their mother’s famous iced tea. “Hope you fucking choke on it,” he said as he left. His sister reaching out and sticking up her middle finger at him as he left. She liked to sunbathe nude but that wasn’t why she always took her top off. She knew that Larry wouldn’t bring Seth to the pool if she was nude. Larry was many things but he could be a proper gentleman when he wanted to be.

After taking a big gulp of iced tea, Leslie slid her bikini bottoms off just to be extra sure Larry wouldn’t be bothering her any time soon.

It only took about 15 minutes before Leslie fell fast asleep. The sedative Larry slipped into the tea working much faster than he had anticipated.

Larry and Seth causally entered the backyard and grabbed either end of the lawn chair. They carried both the chair and Leslie out of the gate and towards the front of the house, careful to make sure no one was watching and no cars were driving by at that particular moment.

Proud of their achievement, they both turned around and headed back into the pool area for a peaceful hour of rest and relaxation…sister free.
