Mike Williams

Removing Twitter from My Site

I’ve had a pretty good Twitter sidebar widget for a little while now. In fact, I’m fairly certain I got it after Musk took over.

I couldn’t help but notice that it looks like Twitter decided that they didn’t want to feed these types of widgets anymore and just killed it.

Screenshot 2023 07 19 at 9 04 07 AM

Of course, I have posts on Twitter. Many of them.

I went to try and upgrade to Twitter Blue and was told that I don’t post enough to be using Twitter Blue.

Therefore, my giving a fuck about Twitter days are slowly coming to an end.

As far as I’m concerned, there are no real substitutes for it. Anything Meta is involved with is always something I run away from. So, Threads is out. I don’t trust the company at all nor do I feel like contributing to their bottom line. There are plenty of idiots who use their products to keep them in business. I’m just not one of those idiots.

Great read about how badly Threads is performing here.

Mastodon is not even close. It takes way too much to get started using it for the average user which means that the user base will always be small.

I loved the old Twitter, before Elon Musk got involved with it. I think he does most things well but I never felt like Twitter was one of them.

HDWGH – Story 65 – The Squirt Artist

-*From The How Did We Get Here Series*-

**Now**: In an office area with only 10 cubicles close together, the amazing amount of an as of yet unknown substance running down various cubicle walls and from the ceiling, walls, and beloved water cooler could not be missed. Thelma slowly raised her blonde hair covered head above her cubicle wall to peer around. While the sounds of whatever level of orgasm that was she kept quiet, the results of said orgasm could not be missed. By. Anyone. Paying. Attention. And. Alive.

**Before**: Thelma knew what squirting was. She also knew what it wasn’t. It wasn’t cum. It was pee. It was getting to the state of being out of control. So out of control that you can’t control yourself or your bladder. Thelma could never get there. Not with the tools she had available to her which at the moment, was just her Mark I fingers. At her girlfriend’s bachelorette party last evening, all of the talk seemed to be about squirting. Everyone seemed to be doing it but her. She couldn’t but she desperately wanted to.

On the way to work that morning, Thelma stopped by a local sex toy store and was pleased to find a device that the owner swore would do the trick. Thelma couldn’t wait to use it.

Ok. Thelma really couldn’t wait to use it. Sitting at her desk, she dropped her panties and inserted the SQUIRT GOD Version 2 device inside her. She pressed a few buttons on the remote and immediately had to cover her mouth. The feeling was intense and sudden. Her nipples got instantly hard. They usually never did that.
Waves of pleasure washed over Thelma. She could feel it down her toes. Something was building but she knew she could control it. This could be the biggest orgasm she ever had. Another adjustment to the remote and…
Thelma’s undercarriage let loose with a volley of squirting that might be worthy of a world record as she struggled to stay silent. She couldn’t control the pulses and she was squirting everywhere. It felt like an eternity before simply trickling down her thighs and over her painted toes. Her body was shaking. She waited until the pulsing stopped to peer above the cubicle wall to see if anyone saw anything.

On Vacation: Ellijay, GA

It is mid-July and we find ourselves in Ellijay. Ellijay is north of our homestead and located in the Georgia mountains.

IMG 1958

Currently, the high temperature here is 88F but walking out in the direct sunlight makes it seem much hotter. Just ask my wife.

IMG 1963

As a Canadian, she doesn’t tolerate warm weather like I do but she was the one to move to Georgia initially. I just ended up moving down from PA so not a big stretch for me. I love heat. I love the beach. These are things my wife does not.

IMG 1967

It is always nice to get away for a little while.

IMG 1968

HDWGH – Story 64 – Give Me Shelter

-*From The How Did We Get Here Series*-

**Now**: Mrs. Roland lowered her head in both exhaustion and sadness. Her beautiful brand new home on the outskirts of a small town in rural Georgia known as Tannersville had gone up in flames just 2 hours ago. She was in shock and the pounding on the outside of the tornado shelter was beginning to break her out of it. The fire company needed to confirm that she was ok, after all.

**Before**: The Smith family always celebrated the big holidays. The 4th of July was no different. Brian Smith had his various assortment of fireworks ready to launch. The wind was picking up but he felt fairly certain that they would be quite safe.

HDWGH – Story 63 – Boom

-*From The How Did We Get Here Series*-

**Now**: Jennifer Turco kneeled down to give her father a kiss on his forehead. Josh was doing the right thing after all. This type of job needed to be done. If not by him, then who? Jennifer replaced her protective eyewear before bringing the thermal imaging device up within her view. It still showed six heat signatures. The expected and anticipated number. Josh turned his gaze up to his youngest daughter looking for the signal he needed. A confirmation that all six siblings were currently at home. Jennifer looked down at him and nodded. Josh caught the gesture and quietly moved his thumb from the green ABORT button to press the light red COMMIT button. The trailer suddenly erupted into a massive fireball flinging bodies here and there and breaking every window and other pieces that could be broken.The sound of a bouncing metal propane tank off to their left. Five feet away from Jennifer, a smoking and burnt male torso landed on an old wooden pallet and bounced away from her. A faint scream filled the air from what seemed like a few blocks away. The small subdivision was awake now. She could barely notice the slight smile in her dad’s gaze, but it was there. It was all better now. Everything was going to be just fine.

**Before**: Jennifer knew that Doug Jones was a child molester. In fact, the whole neighborhood knew. The problem was proof. All she had was gut instincts. The way he looked at the girls as they made their way home from school passing his, what she would swear, had to be a meth lab trailer. It made the neighborhood look like it had been transplanted from Detroit. She would talk to her ex-military father and see what he thought about this “problem.” Perhaps daddy could kill two birds with one stone on this one?