Mike Williams

In The iPod

You may have noticed that what I’m reading in the sidebar hasn’t really changed.

That’s because it’s taking me FOREVER to get through Hyperion.

I don’t know if I’m just growing tired of it.

I’m not sure if I’m just subconsciously dismissing everything else until David Weber’s next book comes out.

He wrote it a while ago and the bastard is making me wait.

I mean that in a good way David. 🙂

Battlestar Update #672

It hasn’t gotten any better.

If it gets any darker, we’ll have to slit our wrists.

There must be a Hollywood contest going on. The first person to take a happy and positive franchise and run it into the ground wins.

Ronald D. Moore is well in the lead.

For my Aunt

Prayers are needed. She lost her job. I’m not sure when this happened but my parents just informed me of it.

Please keep those prayers coming.

We all need them.

Clarification on Stem Cell Research

Stem cell research has never been banned by anyone.

The government won’t FULLY fund embryonic stem cell research which so far has produced nothing.

The government under Bush decided not to fully fund the research but not fully funding research isn’t banning the research. The government just isn’t paying for all of it.

I’ll say it again. Just because the government (our tax dollars) aren’t funding all stem cell research doesn’t equate to anyone banning it.

To say that it’s been banned by anyone is a complete and total lie.

There has been no court ruling and congress hasn’t passed a law against stem cell research.

Stop freaking lying about it.

For anyone who may be confused about the differences between Adult Stem Cell Research and Embryonic Stem Cell Research, I offer this video. Spend the 12 minutes and you’ll learn a great deal.

Jill, you can have your soap box back now.

The FDA May Oversee Tobacco


Former Presidents have dodged this issue because it was such a hot potato. At least, it was until now.

from Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Food and Drug Administration would gain new power to regulate cigarettes and other tobacco products under legislation passed by a U.S. House of Representatives panel on Wednesday.

The proposal, which passed 39 to 13 but must still win approval by the full House and Senate, would authorize the FDA to oversee the controversial, multibillion-dollar tobacco industry, including its advertisements and product designs. The FDA already oversees drugs, devices, most foods, cosmetics and animal drugs.

If the term “government intrusion” doesn’t hold any meaning for you now.

It never will.

Moving Day and a Prayer

Today we move into the new house.

Not so big of a deal.

Today, my father is still in the hospital recovering from his heart bypass surgery and he’s still in a lot of pain.

Much bigger deal.

Please include him in your prayers.
