Mike Williams

HDWGH – Story 42 – Parking Garage Antics

-*From The How Did We Get Here Series*-

**Now**: Bobby Jones pressed on the key fob that some hysterical lady just gave to him while running from a man who was in the process of yelling at her. Bobby had never quite heard all of the expletives used but he thought the man was quite creative with their use. The lights flashed on what looked like a brand new Jaguar. It seems Bobby’s luck had just changed for the better.

**Before**: It was on the 5th level of the Glendale parking garage that Maggie Reynolds decided that Herb Reynolds could go “fuck himself.” They had been married for 10 years and the asshole always seemed to care about his possessions more than he cared about her. She eyed a man standing next to a broken down Subaru and started walking towards him. Her husband began shouting some of the worst obscenities she had heard in years. She was far enough ahead that the quick transfer of the key fob of their car to the stranger and a brief “It’s yours” was all that was needed to complete this life lesson for Herb.

She continued walking towards the elevator with her husband trailing behind when they heard the unmistakable beeps of the car’s key fob communication. The look on her husband’s face was all that she really needed to see that day. It was wonderful. Fuck that prick.

HDWGH – Story 41 – Mistaken Chocolate

-*From The How Did We Get Here Series*-

**Now**: Today would be the day that Kevin Duncan would earn a new nickname. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t be earned for something he actually had done. He would earn the nickname for something the girls in the lunchroom thought he did. Middle school kids didn’t care about the facts of the incident before them. They saw a young man with a big brown stain where you might expect such a stain if one were to crap their pants. Kevin backed into a square support pole in the lunchroom and when he stood upright, the girls sitting next to the pole began to scream when they saw a brown stain on the pole and on the ass of one Kevin Duncan.

**Before**: Kevin Duncan wasn’t allowed to touch the remaining Hershey Bars that were in the fridge. He never let that stop him. He’d blame the loss on his drunk step father and his mother would probably shake her head and yell at him for something he didn’t even do. Kevin was in a pretty good spot. With both bars in his right hand, he began to walk out off the house when his mother stopped him the in the hallway. With only seconds to spare, he slipped the chocolate bars into his back pockets.

The Summer Slow Down

I used to think that the Winter time was the time that we slowed down and weren’t as productive as at any other time of the year.

I actually think the summer is the least productive time. I’ve gotten so much less done this year and a lot of that has to do with the pool. Whenever I see the sun come out, I head out to my backyard paradise where I can assure you, I am not getting things done.

This vacation has been one of my least productive. I’ve gotten some things accomplished but I could have done better.

I’m even thinking about using water beads and heating the water in the Winter time.

OK, Rambling time over…

Windows Development

I downloaded Visual Studio 2019 yesterday to test it out on Windows 11.

The first thing that jumped out at me was the Visual Studio 2019 release. Why not 2021?

The second thing I observed was that VS 2019 doesn’t contain any Windows 11 SDKs.

It is possible that the paid versions of Visual Studio support the new Windows environment which leads me to point out the major important differences between Microsoft and Apple.

Apple gives the developers the tools they need to write new applications at the exact same time they release the operating system. The two things go hand in hand which makes perfect sense when you think about it.

Windows has no such synergy between an OS release and the software you need to develop applications for it. This article makes it sound like Microsoft is really catering to developers but just by reading the article, I’d say otherwise. There are several programs used for different things instead of the single environment the apple provides.

The article mentions gaming and web development and even tools to tweak existing Windows 10 builds but nothing about straight application development. It doesn’t even mention the existence of Visual Studio at all.

I’ve been an Apple developer for a very long time so I guess I’m just probably spoiled.

Out of the Box

Overheard today…

“There is no scenario where AI doesn’t get out of the box.”

What this means is that AI will always get loose and do “who knows what” once it does. It is an absolutely controllable situation that will become an uncontrollable one because we’re just not very bright and forward thinking as a species.

We think about the here and now. Have you ever heard someone complain that this is the hottest summer ever! Well, it’s not. You’d have to go way back in time for that record. Hint: It was BEFORE 1950. Most climate records only use data going back as far as 1950 because it makes the misery look better.

My two cents for the day.

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