Mike Williams

Fireworks Laws

I wasn’t sure but I had a feeling that fireworks were illegal in my area.

Law changed in 2017
Until a few years ago, it was illegal for Pennsylvanians to buy most fireworks, with retailers focusing on sales to outof- state residents. When the law was loosened in 2017, it included some restrictions on exactly where and when fireworks can be set off: It’s illegal to ignite them within 150 feet of any structure or on any public or private property without permission from local authorities. In a densely populated city like Lancaster, that leaves very few places where people can safely ignite fireworks.
The law lays out penalties that local authorities, like Lancaster’s police bureau, can impose for violations: “A person using consumer fireworks in violation of the provisions of this article commits a summary offense and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $100.”

HDWGH – Story 39 – Death Peck

-*From The How Did We Get Here Series*-

**Now**: The police are standing over the corpse of Tommy “Chiclet” Garcia in the middle of Rotary Park. His body looks like it has been pierced by thousands of tiny projectiles.

**Before**: Tommy “Chiclet” Garcia was in an extremely good mood this morning. His boss called and told him that he was doing such a great job that he could take the day off. His wife had made reservations for a nice romantic dinner at his favorite restaurant. If those two things weren’t awesome enough, he heard a rumor earlier from his best friend Kyle that the XFL may be returning next year. From Tommy’s point of view, his life couldn’t get any better than this.

It was about this time that Tommy decided to go over to Rotary Park and feed the birds. In previous visits, Tommy had put the feed into a container and basically just reached in and threw the contents around. Today, he was feeling especially creative so he decided to put as much bird feed into his cargo pockets as they could hold.

The initial feedings went pretty well until the birds realized that Tommy had feed in his pockets.

Religion Origins

Historical fiction is a story that takes place in a certain period of history but the characters are usually fictional.

Religion is the exact same thing.

Especially if your religions doctrine cannot be independently verified by historians of the time.

That is a very basic requirement. You can make all of the bold claims you’d like in your religious text but if they are true, someone else would have seen it and written it down.

Don’t believe something just because someone says it is true. Find out for yourself. Do the research.

Even if it is your spiritual identity.

Don’t blindly follow anyone.

Ok. Life advice over.

2021 06 26 at 15 10 39 2x

2021 06 26 at 15 13 25 2x

More Relativity Questions

Some thoughts about the theory of relativity…

Electricity moves differently in a vacuum or with altered gravity. Does that mean that time is different or does it mean that how we measure time is different?

You could make the argument that a person on Earth shows a different time than someone in space simply because electricity works differently in space but the same measurement of time has passed for both individuals.

The only thing that changes is “how” I measure the time difference. That is why I believe the theory of relativity is incorrect.

If electricity moves at the speed of light and electricity moves differently in a void does that question what the speed of light actually is? To me, that means the speed of light is variable. Or, the way you are measuring is changing.

To me, if I travel away from the Earth at the speed of light and then return, I will have aged exactly the same as if I had stayed on Earth. Time may have been measured differently in space but my constant of measure is the Earth.

It is a theory that is extremely clear to me for some reason. I’ve always said that you cannot arm chair quarterback the universe from your chair on Earth.

I think the theory of relativity will be debunked when we start seriously traveling among the stars.

Microsoft Windows 11

Here is a breakdown of what you need to know.

By the time Microsoft actually releases it, you will have totally forgotten all about it.

That pretty much sums it up.

Coming sometime in 2022.

*Update: I got an email from Microsoft telling me that I am being moved to the Release Version channel because I can’t run the beta of Windows 11. My computer apparently doesn’t have enough whatever. Windows is always pretty good about driving people to buy ever increasing hardware to support their software. I think they get that wrong too.*