This is one of my all time favorite ladies doing a character that is so horrible it makes you laugh…
Mike Williams
Societal Concept
Since I write a lot of science fiction stories, I often wonder what would cause a civilization to never make it into space or not very far before the society collapses.
The collapse could be for any number of reasons.
Here is why I think the inhabitants of any planet can either kill the planet or as a people they thrive and reach out to the stars.
I believe this equation best describes it.
If you grow as a society faster than the rate of innovation, you die.
I think we are there. We’re producing shit tons of plastics that will have no where to go when we’re done with them. You could say “recycling” but you’d be wrong. Most plastic ends up either in the ocean or in a land fill. We could sure use an atomizer.
Too bad we didn’t invent one yet.
Blocking the Sun
WASHINGTON — The idea of artificially cooling the planet to blunt climate change — in effect, blocking sunlight before it can warm the atmosphere — got a boost on Thursday when an influential scientific body urged the United States government to spend at least $100 million to research the technology.
Yep. You are not seeing things.
That technology, often called solar geoengineering, entails reflecting more of the sun’s energy back into space through techniques that include injecting aerosols into the atmosphere. In a new report, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine said that governments urgently need to know whether solar geoengineering could work and what the side effects might be.
This concept is so hilarious to me that I literally wrote it into a short story I am currently writing. I needed a way to explain how humans could destroy a planet and then I stumbled upon this little gem.
Again. Hilarious.
I grew up with sports.
I used to watch my favorite NFL football team play every weekend and couldn’t wait for the Super Bowl. I remember getting depressed after the All-Star game because I knew there would be no football until next season.
I actually liked the XFL and I loved that it filled the gap of the missing NFL. It only lasted for a season which sucked royal money balls.
I turned 50 and something happened. I’m not sure exactly what it was but I started to not care as much about football as I once did. I’m pretty sure the enormous salaries had something to do with it. I’m sure making teams change their name because someone is “offended” may also have something to do with it. I think it was the money mostly.
Right now, the Washington Redskins don’t even know who the hell they are. The people that are offended aren’t even the people that are supposed to be offended. The real Redskins (the Indians for you new people) don’t give a fuck.
When the coronavirus hit, sports because the last thing on Earth that people actually cared about and I was ok with that. I guess it took the pandemic for me to realize just how insignificant sports really is. The sports went away for a period of time and everything was ok.
This is from an article in today’s paper.
First of all, these kids did NOT lose everything last year. They are still fucking alive aren’t they? You fucking moron.
Everyone didn’t die. The newspaper was a lot more fun to read for me because the sports section (if it was in the paper at all) was only a page or half of a page.
To sum up this article…
…fuck sports.
HDWGH – Story 25 – Modern Spycraft
HDWGH – Story 25 – Modern Spycraft
–From The How Did We Get Here Series–
Now: Charles Dooley’s face became an instant shade of pale as he looked through the telescopic lens of his spy camera. His wife was in the apartment complex across the way. Two floors down from where Charles was spying from his balcony. His wife’s hard nipples were pressed against the patio door glass as she took Doug Johnson’s incredibly large ‘Johnson’ from behind.
Before: He knew it was wrong. He also knew he liked watching. Charles Dooley had started watching his neighbor’s sexual escapades through a pair of old Army field googles he had acquired from his long since dead grandfather. Since those first few times, he had upgraded and bought a super serious rig capable of recording what he saw.
Charles didn’t have many friends. There wasn’t really anyone he could talk to about what he saw so he kept the Wednesday afternoon viewing pleasure to himself. He didn’t dare tell his wife. She’d make him take the rig back to the store and shame him into doing something else a lot less interesting.
Doug Johnson had a huge cock. It was no wonder that various neighborhood women would pay him a visit on Wednesdays. There were at least two dozen that he recognized from various social functions and he always felt a little bad for the husbands. If they only knew. If only, he could tell them.
Well, the one thing that made him feel comfortable in his manhood was the fact that his wife wasn’t one of the visitors.
Company Leaks
Apple has had a really hard time to leaks to the press or other sources before a major announcement.
There are a lot of people that thrive on rumors and want to speculate about what the next big thing will be.
These same people may also not understand why leaking things to the public ahead of an event is bad.
If I am an engineer and I have worked to develop a product that I am proud of. Even if it’s something I am not entirely proud of, the fact remains that I’ve probably put a lot of time and effort into it.
I think as the engineer, I deserve to be able to present the work I’ve done my way. In Apple’s case, it would be a big press event. I should think that I am the person who deserves to show what I’ve done to others and not some publication, journalist, or an armchair technology quarterback.
When you release this information ahead of the engineering team’s expectation, you are literally robbing them of their moment in the sun. A moment that is sorely and richly deserved. They earned it. The person who writes about the leaked information has not earned anything. They were given information that can either chose to act on or chose to not act on. It is entirely their decision.
The person who releases the information has malicious intentions whether they feel that they do or not. That information is not yours to present. You didn’t “earn” the right to do so.
And that, makes the leakers and the people that present those leaks to the public lower then dog shit on the evolutionary scale.
Bad Decisions
When you reach the age of 50 or thereabouts, you begin to look on the world with different eyes.
The one thing I have seen recently is just how much young people make really bad decisions.
At 50, your decisions are based on a lot of things but are mostly free of emotions. You take things a bit less seriously and you also realize that not everything that everyone does is about you.
It is easy to see the bad decisions that people make everyday by just opening up the newspaper and reading it. The criminal section is literally mind blowing.
The problem with some of these bad decisions is that they can’t be undone. You can’t take back your irrational behavior. People don’t unsee the things you’ve said and done.
Take a moment to think before you speak. Think before you act. Think beyond the moment. I know it can be difficult but life isn’t always about the single move in front of you. It can be about the several moves that are ahead of you that you can’t yet see.
Help your heart get out of the way so your head can see the path ahead.
Ok. I have to give the soapbox back now.