Mike Williams

Baby Bottle Service

How about your favorite coffee beverage served in a baby bottle?

No. I am not making this up.

From my daily newspaper…

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I’d link to the whole story but since it’s a paywall, I’ll refrain.

Phone Calls

I don’t like to talk on the phone. Anyone who knows me will tell you how true that is. I hate making phone calls. I’d rather text, IM, or do smoke signals.

I’m saying that because my house mate has been on the phone with a member of his family for probably somewhere along the lines of oh, say five hours.

Yep. That is not a typo (this time). Believe me, I’ve had many many typos. My whole life is a typo.

I don’t like I’d have six minutes worth of things to talk about let alone 6 hours.

Trust me. I am probably the most boring person there is. A rock probably comes in first place but damn it, I am a close 2nd.


Finally, a season I actually like because it means we’ll be getting into the other season I really like SUMMER!

I live in the wrong part of the country for some who doesn’t enjoy cold weather; I am aware.

HDWGH – Story 24 – Neglected Details

From The How Did We Get Here Series

Now: Megan Hamilton woke up out of a dead sleep. She couldn’t help it. Her husband was facing her and looked to be out cold. In the small space between them, a wet urine soaked bed. The smell made her want to vomit.

Before: Josh Hamilton would finally be able to sleep with his new bride. He knew the rules. No drinking alcohol or unpleasant things could happen during the night. He had been successful in keeping this from Megan throughout the years they’ve been dating. It was rather easy. They had never actually spent the entire night together. They weren’t prone to drinking so he wasn’t really worried.

The wedding reception was full of alcohol and Josh knew that if he drank any of it, there would be a small chance Megan would get an unexpected surprise in the morning.

It was his wedding day after all. Why not?

Life Tip# 3740

How to know you’ve completely lost your mind.

When you are attempting to please yourself sexually and you utter the words “you’re doing it wrong.”

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

…or as I used to say back in the 90’s.

Happy “would have been” Birthday Grandma!

I think of her often. She was a wonderful lady.

As I go onto Google this morning, I have to ask myself “why is this google so fucking lame?”

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No traditional St. Patrick’s Day anything in this.

Well, at least its green.