Mike Williams

Public Stalking

I believe I just figured out why it disturbs me when I hear that someone is a “fan” of someone else so much that they devote time, money, and resources in the pursuit of said fandom.

The words “stalk” and “fan” are remarkably similar.

CleanShot 2021 03 16 at 04 36 25 2x

…and fan…

CleanShot 2021 03 16 at 04 39 24 2x

I believe the only difference between stalking someone and being a fan of someone is the fact that being a fan can be done in public.

Why Don’t Men Care

Perhaps, I should relabel this post as “Why Don’t Most Men Care?”

What am I talking about?

I’m talking about men who sit by while their daughters pose nude for magazines, pictures, or whatever. Think about all of the magazines with nude women in them that you have ever seen. Most of those women have fathers who had to sign off on what they were doing. Why is that?

Why do some men want their wives to go out wearing as little as is humanly possible?

I remember pulling off my girlfriends top in our parking lot in broad daylight. Anyone could have seen her tits. Some people driving by probably did. I do not know why I didn’t care. She was beautiful.

Perhaps, that is the reason. I think my daughter is beautiful and I don’t really mind if others see that as well. It doesn’t bother me.

My ex-wife is a nudist. I don’t care.

My daughter lives in a nudist colony. I don’t care.

Maybe, this is a topic that I just don’t really care about.

Playing Battlefront II

I remember doing my own thing when I started playing BF2. I knew there was some goal we had to achieve but I didn’t always know what it was.

I’ve been playing so long now, I know exactly what we need to do to win.

This post isn’t about me bitching. Not at all.

I think it’s funny watching new players doing the stupid things I used to do when I started. If I want to win the game, I can pretty much do that. As long as I have a couple of other vets playing.

One thing I love about this game in particular is how it shows you the value of teamwork. When all 20 players are working towards the same goal, we almost always win.

The games that I am in where we lose are the exact opposite. Those are games where everyone is off doing their own thing.

Just weird perspective drive by posting…

Apple Versus Facebook and Privacy

I don’t see how Facebook comes out of this smelling anything other than a big hairy turd that no one even wants to look at. They’ve already been caught in the small business lie which this article confirms. Realistically, it wasn’t a stretch to hear Facebook talk about how Apple’s privacy changes would affect small businesses on their site and not want to throw up. The mere thought of that made me almost rethink my whole existence. Since when does Facebook give a fuck about anyone or anything that doesn’t make them money? Perhaps, I slipped into a parallel dimension where Facebook cares about things other than itself.

Facebook has been attacking Apple with campaigns that say the iOS 14 privacy changes will hurt small businesses, as many of them use Facebook’s platforms to advertise their products and services. However, a former Facebook employee argues that these changes may not affect small businesses as these businesses are usually located in specific cities or states, which makes it easier to determine the ad’s target audience without using IDFA trackers.

Using Facebook makes them money. That is why I rarely use it for anything. If you truly don’t like what a company does then by all means, do not support it.

Sometimes I think that the people that use Facebook and have the nerve to bitch about it are the reason why we can’t have nice things and we’re not living on Mars.

HDWGH – Story 23 – A Summer Night Stroll

From The How Did We Get Here Series

Now: Cam (short for Camille) Dallas is walking home in the pale moonlight on a nice summer evening. She is 100% nude and desperately hoping no one sees her.

Before: Cam Dallas woke up with a slight burning sensation over most of her nude body. It took her a quick moment to realize that she had fallen asleep in the tanning bed. Why didn’t anyone wake her up? She thought to herself. She opened up the lid of the tanning bed to discover it was dark. She stood up and fumbled around for a light. After a few moments, the lights came on. The first thing she noticed was that her clothes were gone. That was weird.

She opened the door and to her surprise, the entire office was dark. What time was it? She walked back into her room and looked up at the clock. 1:57 am. What the fuck! How could they leave her in the tanning booth? She looked around frantically for something to put on. Nothing. Not even a fucking towel.

She thought for a moment. Since it was early morning, she may get away with walking home nude. Thank goodness the mini mall didn’t have super security. She pushed open a back door. No alarm.

RIP – Lou Ottens

Via Engadget

Ottens started work on the cassette tape in the early 1960s. The way NPR tells the story, he wanted to develop a way for people to listen to music that was affordable and accessible in the way that large reel-to-reel tapes at the time were not. So he first created a wooden prototype that could fit in his pocket to help guide the project. He also worked to convince Philips to license his invention to other manufacturers for free. Philips went on to introduce the first “compact cassette” in 1963, and the rest, as they say, is history. But that wasn’t the end of Ottens’ career. He went on to help Philips and Sony develop the compact disc.

Revelations over 50

These are just a few things that I’ve done on the other side of 50 that some may consider weird. When I say weird, I mean weird from the perspective of a younger age group. I remember what it was like when I was 35 and how I thought old people did weird shit. Well, as it turns out, they actually DO weird shit.

I’ll give you some examples below.

  1. They make noises when they do most everything. Ever listen to an old man pee at a urinal next to you at a bar, restaurant, or other venue? They are making noises. You may hear things like “Ahhhh” and “Oh, yeah.”

  2. They don’t give a fuck. When we are younger, we are so self absorbed that we don’t see the rest of the world around us. Older people are over that. They don’t care what you think. They don’t care what you think about anything. Why? That thing you are doing? Living your life at 35. Yeah, they’ve already done that. It is like young mothers giving advice. Well, young mothers let me give you some advice. Shut the fuck up. There is nothing you are going through that someone else already hasn’t. Not one fucking thing. Shut your pie hole. Don’t give a fuck.

  3. Nudity. Here is another area where older people just don’t give a fuck. We laugh at the old guy that walks out to get his paper nude. “He’s forgotten to put his clothes on,” People might say. They would be wrong. That old guy just doesn’t give a fuck if you are offended or not. If they are a nudist, it can be even worse. Try getting them to put clothes on. Go ahead. I dare you.

  4. Driving. I realized a long time ago that I needed to stop driving. I just knew. I have no regrets. I don’t go out much so I don’t care. If I really need to travel somewhere, I have other options. One thing I am not doing. I’m not spending all of the money on it. I’d rather buy a new MacBook Pro.

  5. Sex. I stopped caring about this one a long time ago. If you are worried that I am eyeing you up and down because I want to have sex with you, wow. You couldn’t be more wrong. I’m probably just admiring your beauty. Believe me. It does happen. Some men can look at another woman without the idea of sex ever popping into their minds.

I think these five are a good start. I’ll probably add more later.