Mike Williams

Facebook Ban Revisted

Facebook Reverses Australian Ban on News Sharing

I’m not sure I’d call this a reversal. Facebook isn’t going to pay in the way the Australian government first wanted them to. They had to amend the law so that Facebook could live with it.

Australian authorities plan to introduce further amendments to the proposed law so that the government may not apply the code to Facebook if it can demonstrate a “significant contribution” to local journalism, and a two-month mediation period before enforced arbitration comes into effect, allowing parties additional time to reach a private deal.

That doesn’t sound like a reversal to me.

Population Control

I just thought of a brilliant idea.

How do you weed down the population?

Float a story about the Earth being flat. The people that believe it…

…they’ve gots to go!

Like I said, brilliant.


Flashbacks were the subject of a course that I am taking on fictional writing.

I have used them in the things that I have written but I admit, I use them sparingly. They can be a great tool but they can also make the story unwatchable or unreadable.

Case in point.

DC’s Arrowverse.

I had to stop watching the show because every show has an incredible amount of flashbacks in it.

It is a great example of what not to do. At least, in my opinion.

The show could have been greater without it.

Goodbye Facebook News in Australia

Good for Facebook.

You won’t hear me say those words very often.

Facebook made a decision to turn off the news feeds for Australia.

Australian users cannot share Australian or international news.

International users outside Australia also cannot share Australian news.

“The proposed law fundamentally misunderstands the relationship between our platform and publishers who use it to share news content,” Facebook regional managing director William Easton said.

“It has left us facing a stark choice: attempt to comply with a law that ignores the realities of this relationship, or stop allowing news content on our services in Australia. With a heavy heart, we are choosing the latter,” Easton added.

HDWGH – Story 20 – All Washed Up

From The How Did We Get Here Series

Now: Twelve year old Roxanne Davis is standing under a tree in her neighbor’s yard. She is soaked from head to bare toes in urine. She is doing a bit more than crying. It could actually be called wailing. The boys in the treehouse above are trying desperately to remain quiet.

Before: Tom “Scooter” Johnson and Randy Perry loved their new treehouse. They loved everything about it except for one small detail. They had to climb down what seemed like a million foot holds if they needed to take a pee. They loved to climb, but seriously? Since Randy was the brains of the outfit, he decided that they could use a small pail and just pee in that. When no one was looking, they could just dump it out over the side. No one would ever know and they could stay in the treehouse for a longer period of time.

Once the pail filled up, Tom picked it up and looked down below to make sure that no one was standing around. From his vantage point, the coast was clear. He dumped the pail over the side. About a second later, he heard a combination of screaming and crying. The boys looked over the side and at first, couldn’t see anything. After a minute or so, a young girl emerged from under the tree. She was drenched from head to toe in urine and crying. Randy whispered to Tom about the statistical possibilities that must have been involved in dumping the urine on that precise location.

It was a feat of precision that only two boys in a treehouse could appreciate.

Bad Human Behavior Continues

I am having too much fun writing my current series.

The absolute dregs of society. People who project violence and sometimes hatred on others. Sometimes the violence is somewhat justified and sometimes it isn’t.

I can’t believe how much fun it is to write this kind of stuff down and have it form a cohesive story that is baked into a science fiction adventure.

Human violence. Alien violence.

Fun for the whole family.

Stay tuned.

Half Assing Science

I think that any scientist working on the climate has preconceived notions. We may call that an agenda but I don’t think I’d go quite that far.

Climate warming or Global Warming is a dynamic issue for two reasons.

  1. It depends on population. Let’s face it. If I get rid of half of the world’s population then this instantaneously becomes a much different discussion where the scientific numbers will fall right back in line with what scientists “think” they should be.

  2. The planet’s weather system is dynamic. That means that it may be warm during the 1970s in summer time but much colder in the 2000s. What most reports leave out is the fact that while some place in the world is getting warmer there is also a place that is getting much colder. One pole is losing ice. Well, the other pole is gaining it.

Water levels rising is temporary and wouldn’t be the first time.

My personal feeling on these matters is that as humans, we have a complete misunderstanding of a much bigger picture that scientists simply cannot get their head around.

Why I wrote the article is here.