Mike Williams

Masculinity in the Modern Age

I don’t think that just because men do things that women do necessarily makes them gay.

The idea that men are supposed to be neanderthals sporting tremendous amounts of body hair and talking in the most gruff voice they can muster used to work ok in a certain period of time in human history.

I don’t think that is what modern men are or what they are supposed to be. Modern men are painting their nails. A great example of this is Penn Gillette. Watch his show and you’ll see that he’s got one nail painted orange/red. This symbolizes something but I don’t remember what exactly. What you may not notice is that the rest of his finger nails are painted as well. It is usually a shimmering white color.

That isn’t all. Men are wearing clothing that has traditionally been meant for women. They are shaving their body hair. In the last relationship I was in neither me nor my girlfriend had pubic hair. Why not? Seriously. Just try it. You won’t regret the affects.

When is the last time you heard about a “crabs” outbreak? Yeah, me neither. That is because so many people simply don’t have fucking pubic hair. It is disgusting and modern men and women realize that so they shave it off. That is something the ancient Egyptians discovered over 4000 years ago. The only hair on a female back then was on the top of her head.

A friend of mine has theorized that this is due to excess estrogen being placed back into the water supply by an excessive population of women. They flush their pads and tampons down the toilet and somehow the estrogen is making it back into our water supply. It is not a far fetched idea.

In conclusion, men have cocks and women have pussies. That is the true difference between men and women.

I don’t think it is any more complicated than that.

Why I Hate Funerals

  1. They are a complete waste of time.

  2. They are only about the living and not really the dead person who doesn’t give a shit about what you planned, what you are doing, and how they are dressed because…you know…they are dead.

Death is a very difficult concept for most people to understand because they can only reference their current life. It is hard to imagine our lives when the switch is turned off.

You don’t know that you had a deep sleep until you wake up and can “know” that you did.

Not getting to wake up and to understand is death.

Deep. Huh?

Personal Goal – Programming

Today I spent some time on looking at some of the goals I want to achieve sometime this year. One of those goals is to learn Python 3 programming language formally.

What does that mean?

Formally to me means that instead of learning the language by trial and error, I actually take a course on it online. I find that I personally learn much better that way. One of the obstacles to accomplishing that task was the fact that I quit my Lynda subscription.

Unfortunately, once I did that I could never go back to just using Lynda.com. It is now LinkedIn Learning and I don’t know why but I’ve never cared for LinkedIn and I remember purposely removing my profile from the platform. I don’t remember why but that was a long time ago.

At any rate, I’ve signed up for LinkedIn Learning and we’re off and running. I think 30 minutes a day spent on it is a reasonable goal. I’ve hit 47 minutes today with a Getting Things Done course along with the start of the actual Python course by Bill Weinman who is awesome but also makes me want to take a nap. I’m pretty sure that is the same guy who taught the SQL course that I kept falling asleep in the middle of.

In any event, I believe that without taking small steps every day you’ll never reach the place you are trying to get to.

I am so passionate about daily writing right now that I just couldn’t imagine NOT doing it. If you would have asked me 6 months ago if I could write a couple of short stories during our busiest time of the year I would have laughed in your face.

Not only did I write two stories, I almost finished three of them.

There isn’t a point to this post other than to affirm that I think I am on the right track and to remind myself to not give up.

The Scientific Love Affair with Dark Matter

This is an official rant.

Dark matter doesn’t really exist. I want to start of this quick little blog post with the facts.

A quick summary about what it is…

Dark Matter was created to explain behavior in other celestial objects that science cannot explain while making observations from Earth.

Instead of trying to understand the thing they cannot understand our science community feels that creating something out of whole cloth to explain it makes sense.

It does not.

It goes against the very principles of science itself. Whatever happened to observe and record?

Dark Matter and it’s creation clearly demonstrate what is wrong with our modern scientific community.

This almost reminds me of the time man created something else to explain the world…what was that again?…oh yeah, religion.

Happy New Year!

I almost forgot.


It is a new year today.

The following is a clip from my announcer from the Take That! Radio days. It sums everything else up perfectly.

Hoping Next Year Won’t Suck

Peak Season Wrap-Up

If you were expecting an extending post about the trials and tribulations of peak season, you won’t find it this year.

It was a relatively calm year. Great leadership made all of the difference.

We’re now on to bigger and better things. One of those things is a major component upgrade.

Woo Hoo!

Night Shot

This is a picture I took this morning around 5:00 am. The sun isn’t anywhere close to being up yet but the camera makes it look as though it has. The cloud details are stunning.

IMG 4173

Unique prediction of ‘modified gravity’ challenges dark matter theory

I can get behind this one.

Unique prediction of ‘modified gravity’ challenges dark matter theory:

Here is the current theory…

So, dark matter proponents theorize that most of the known universe is actually made of material that doesn’t interact with light, making it invisible and undetectable— but that this material accounts for much of the gravitational pull among galaxies. It has been the prevailing theory for nearly 50 years.

Here is the alternate theory which I happen to believe because I think it is more plausible. I don’t think the answer to an unsolved question is to “make shit up” which is what the dark matter theory is.

Instead of attributing the excess gravitational pull to an unseen, undetectable dark matter, MOND suggests that gravity at low accelerations is stronger than would be predicted by a pure Newtonian understanding.

In addition, MOND made a bold prediction: the internal motions of an object in the cosmos should not only depend on the mass of the object itself, but also the gravitational pull from all other masses in the universe—called “the external field effect” (EFE).

Milgrom said the findings, if robustly confirmed, would be “the smoking gun proving that galaxies are governed by modified dynamics rather than obeying the laws of Newton and of general relativity.”

Posting Blues

I realize that I haven’t posted anything on here for about 10 days. In honor of the pending snow storm we are supposed to get, I give you a picture of snow from the other day.

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