Mike Williams
Monday Morning Post E3 Event
Good morning! Ahhh…hopefully….
I sat through the xBox E3 presentation yesterday which was a parade of “exclusive” and “World Premiere” game announcements.
The xBox One S gives way to the all new xBox One X (Project Scorpio) and will be available in November-ish with a price tag of $499.00.
If you own titles such as Forza Horizon 3 or Minecraft, those games will be getting a free update to 4k versions sometime in the fall. I believe I had a Minecraft-gasm during the keynote. I spend way too much time in Minecraft. I’ll own that.
The graphics in the racing demo were absolutely stunning. Puddles will expand based on how long it is raining and the world engines just seem to keep getting better and better.
Between Apple announcements and Microsoft announcements we should have a pretty awesome fall.
Pretty exciting.
Apple’s Latest OS Releases
It is that time of year when Apple releases the beta versions of the next OS releases. I will admit that I do not really like the “High Sierra” name for MacOS. I was hoping for something cooler.
I have installed iOS and MacOS. I plan on installing WatchOS and TvOS at some point.
So far, I love the iPad changes. A full dock is absolutely wonderful. The file system access is nice too but I don’t see Dropbox in the sidebar so I’ll have to figure out why that is.
I am very excited about the next releases.
Happy Birthday to Penny
Just because we are no longer together doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t remember your birthday. 🙂
Even though you will probably never see this post, I wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday just the same.
R.I.P. Fallout (the cat)
This cat was an absolute joy to have around. He had a great personality and unfortunately, he got abused by other cats in our building.
This morning he was lying on the 2nd floor landing and crying. He wouldn’t get up but when I would talk to him he would cry.
We took him to the vet and we found out he was suffering from a blocked urethra. The surgery would have cost more than we could afford so we had to have him put to sleep.
He will be missed. He was a great little friend.
May Update
I just realized how little I’ve posted this month. I put out a few Facebook posts and Twitter but nothing on my own website.
Of course, I don’t really expect anyone but me to read this drivel anyway.
I have been playing way too much Xbox and listening to several books a week in addition to reading books on Kindle.
The books are updated in the sidebar so they usually represent exactly what I am reading at the moment.
Hopefully, I’ll get (make) some time to load a few posts. I have opinions about everything so there is no shortage of material. Just, a big huge shortage of time.
Project Scorpio
Of course, I am keeping my eyes on this one. The official release of the new xbox gaming console will be later this year. Novemberish? Microsoft has an official site.
There are a few sites that are offering up more details. Links below.
Steve Ballmer and Government Spending
Never thought I’d see those two things put together in a sentence.
Engadget has the complete story here.
Upgrade Notes – Day 1
Well, today is the first day of our latest big project at work, a system upgrade.
This project will probably take the better part of a year to complete.
I really don’t plan on keeping notes on this blog for every single day of the project and I will not be talking about details. What I was going to write about was the process is. How does it affect me? How much less time will I get to spend on other things?
With those questions being raised, I am looking forward to it.
For me, these things are always great learning experiences.
If I’m not completely exhausted by the end of the day, I’ll post some thoughts.
New Beginnings
Today is the first day in several years (days off not withstanding) that I am working a “normal” shift at work.
We are starting a major project that will take a least a year to complete and so I’ve had to make some adjustments.
This very first thing I’ve noticed is that I actually have time to get up in the morning and spend time writing. I can’t express how happy that makes me. I love writing. For the last several years, my work schedule hasn’t afforded me a lot of time to do so.
So, one of the first things I’ve done this morning is to try and find a replacement for Blogsy. Apple must be abandening applications that still work under 32 bit in the next iOS release. To be honest, I thought they would have already done that with a minor release.
I’m writing this using an app called BlogPad Pro. So far, I like it. There are a few things I’ll need to figure out. I had used Blogsy from day one so I am very familiar with how it worked.
My life has changed a lot in the last 6 months or so. Some good. Mostly bad.
I’m trying to keep some optimisim in my life so hopefully, writing more will help do that.