Blah Blah Blah

Beaver fossil named after Buc-ee’s

One of my favorites, to be sure.

A new species of ancient beaver that was rediscovered by researchers in The University of Texas at Austin’s fossil collections has been named after Buc-ee’s, a Texas-based chain of popular travel centers known for its cartoon beaver mascot.

Full story at is here.

The North

I am back home after a couple of weeks in Georgia. The trip was wonderful as always and I missed my friends.

It was great to see them and get caught up on things.

The South

I am currently in Georgia. This is an absolutely gorgeous state, albeit hot.

I’ll be here for a couple of weeks visiting with old friends.

I’m probably going to see the airline issues first hand when I go back in a few weeks.

Mac OS 9 To-Go

This is from 9TO5 Mac and is extremely cool. I appreciate the effort that went into creating these. I would not have been able to afford them, but back then I couldn’t afford most Apple products.

I started off imagining what iOS would look like in classic Mac OS style. I kicked things off stylizing iOS with the platinum design and ultimately decided to meld it with classic Mac OS user interface elements. The project became a mobile version of Mac OS 9 otherwise known by its codename, Sonata. I chose to call the software “Mac OS 9 To-Go” and wanted to see what it would look like on a 90s PDA/smartphone. It led to the first product, the Newton Phone.

The rest of the article is here.

More Relativity Questions

Some thoughts about the theory of relativity…

Electricity moves differently in a vacuum or with altered gravity. Does that mean that time is different or does it mean that how we measure time is different?

You could make the argument that a person on Earth shows a different time than someone in space simply because electricity works differently in space but the same measurement of time has passed for both individuals.

The only thing that changes is “how” I measure the time difference. That is why I believe the theory of relativity is incorrect.

If electricity moves at the speed of light and electricity moves differently in a void does that question what the speed of light actually is? To me, that means the speed of light is variable. Or, the way you are measuring is changing.

To me, if I travel away from the Earth at the speed of light and then return, I will have aged exactly the same as if I had stayed on Earth. Time may have been measured differently in space but my constant of measure is the Earth.

It is a theory that is extremely clear to me for some reason. I’ve always said that you cannot arm chair quarterback the universe from your chair on Earth.

I think the theory of relativity will be debunked when we start seriously traveling among the stars.

That Smell!

I am riding back and forth to work again on the bike. I absolutely love it.

While riding home this afternoon after it had been raining on and off throughout the day, I couldn’t help but notice how much the outside smelled. Bad.

It smelled like old socks mixed in with a little chicken shit with a side of hairy ass thrown in just in case you still have a sense of smell when it is all over.

Granted. That is not a professional opinion. I’m sure science types would say “math, math, big words, science, and suck it,” or something along those lines.

It still stinks outside. Maybe we should call the cleaning lady.

That is all I’m saying.

Random Apple Things

I ordered AirTags on Friday and literally sat on the refresh key until the Apple store came back online so I could get my order in. It is ridiculous. I own that.

There was a pretty good article that John Gruber linked to about how Apple’s M1 chip strategy is more about unity than trying to sell several variations of the same chip. The $699 computer has the same processor as the $1699 machine. I think that shows how strange it is that Intel thinks they need to have several versions of a CPU.

If they turn around and put the M1 into an iPhone, then we’re talking serious M1 strategy.

Low Temperatures

The low temperature listed for any given day is actually the low temperature of the next morning.

IMG 4434

For example, the low temperature listed for Sunday is 48 degrees F. That is actually the low temperature for Monday morning.

It took me 15 years of biking to figure that out. It is important that I know what the actual low temperature is going to be because I have to dress accordingly.

I had the revelation a few years ago.

The Mystery of Dark Matter

Today’s random thought is about Dark Matter.

As I was sitting here at my desk thinking about all of the things that we are so close to achieving as far as space exploration, I had a wandering thought.

Actually, it was more like a question.

Why do we waste so much time trying to understand something that we made up to explain something that really doesn’t need explaining?

There is air. There is space.

Can we move it along, please?

There are infinitely many more things out there that need to be analyzed, probed, and then probed again.

We are wasting so much precious time on something that may or may not exist. Some people will devote their whole lives to this and to me, that is such a waste. A waste of someone’s life.

I personally believe that if it wasn’t for all of these “side projects” we would probably already have a colony on the moon and also on Mars.

Can you imagine what the world would be like if all of the scientists were focused on achieving one goal. The could all have their roles to play but what if they were all driven towards a common goal?

Wouldn’t that be cool?