RIP: Cinder

I woke up this morning to some terrible news.

The oldest cat here at “mini-Google” is an older cat named Cinder. He’s dark gray in color hence the name.

Cinder began to breathe irratically this past week. So much so that we all took notice to it.

Cinder’s owner took him to the vet yesterday where they initially found a torn thorax “something or other” and needed to drain fluid out of him. They drained about 350 cc which seems a bit much. Cinder stayed over last night for observation and so that further testing could be done.

Cinder passed away last night.

He will be sorely missed.

I am an idiot

It’s true.

I was trying to clean up one of my websites on Friday before rushing to work and the unthinkable happened.

I deleted the entire website.

I am thinking to myself “gee, that’s an awful lot of files listed there” and still managed to press the “ok sure” button without questioning the action.


Now, I need to spend the weekend re-writing a shit ton of code.

“Did you have everything backed up Mister computer expert” my daughter asks.

“Ah, no.”

“You ever see a Mozy commercial?” She asks.

“Shut up.” I says.

Internet Unconnectivity

Drive by commentary.

Internet Connectivity has become an official oxymoron in this establishment.

When our internet works it works very well.

When it doesn’t it’s ass.

Thank you to the Verizon mobile internet hotspot thingie for allowing me to post about the internet being down.

Quote of the Issue: “Well, when you first noticed that the internet was down, you should have sent me an email.”



I am sorely lacking in it.

I do have a day off this week so I’m planning on getting a crapload of projects finished.

In the meantime, here’s a funny picture that a co-worker of mine uses as his background or wallpaper.



Quote of the Week

This quote was from one of the many shows we produce each week – The Right Doctor with Melissa Clouthier. The guest is Andrew Malcolm from the LA Times blog site “Top of the Ticket.

(sic) “The numbers that Washington are throwing around right now are so big that they don’t even fit in my calculator. That’s how out of touch Congress is with the American people.”

The link to the exact Take That! podcast is above.

The show was so interesting that I forgot to check on how much time Melissa had left to record. Oops. #producerfail

Universal Truths

Life is too short.

I really. Really. Screwed up a great thing with my production company.

I landed the best President I could have ever hoped for and because I am a complete moron, we lost her.

Today, we talked for the first time in a long time.

I’m glad that we can still be friends.

I missed her terribly.

Tasteless Joke of the Day

via email…

A little girl wrote to Sarah Palin and asked; ‘How did the human race start?’ Sarah Palin answered, ‘God made Adam and Eve; They had children; and so was all mankind made.’

Two days later the girl wrote to Michelle Obama and asked the same question. Michelle Obama answered, ‘Many years ago there were monkeys from which the human race evolved.’

The confused girl went to her father and said, ‘Dad, how is it possible that Sarah Palin told me the Human race was created by God, and Michelle Obama said they evolved from monkeys.’

The father answered, ‘Well, Dear, it is very simple, apparently Sarah Palin told you about her ancestors and Michelle Obama told you about hers.’

Dumb Ass Spaniards

Global Warming is the one issue that I can honestly say that I saw right through from day one. It NEVER made any sense. I don’t need to be a scientist to see the bullshit. I feel vindicated.

In my on going “common sense is dead” series…

This level of dumb is amazing.

PORT OF SPAIN (Reuters) – Commonwealth leaders will lobby for an international climate deal that includes $10 billion for next year to help poor and vulnerable states fight the effects of global warming, the Maldives president said on Saturday.

Mohamed Nasheed, whose small Indian Ocean state risks being swamped by rising sea levels caused by climate change, said the proposal for such funding was part of a draft climate statement to be issued on Saturday by Commonwealth leaders meeting in Trinidad and Tobago.

The entire article is here.

In case you’ve missed it, man made global warming has been publicly shown to be a fraud. You can get started on all of the reading here.