Cancel Culture Strikes Again

I was in the military so I have fought for all Americans and their right to say whatever they want whether or not I agree with it. That is the deal and thats how this works.

Scott Adams the creator of Dilbert said some pretty wild stuff that has newspapers cancelling his cartoon in mass numbers.

So what now?

Why cancel the cartoon? What did the cartoon do? Did he say these things in the cartoon? No. This is an example of attacking someone personally because you don’t agree with what they are saying. Here is the logic from a newspaper article on the subject.

In a letter from the editor, The Oregonian’s Therese Bottomly wrote, “Some readers will no doubt deride my decision as an example of ‘overly woke’ culture or as a knee-jerk politically correct response. What about free speech, they might ask. Isn’t this censorship? No one is taking Adams’ free speech rights away. He is free to share his abhorrent comments on YouTube and Twitter so long as those companies allow them. This also isn’t censorship; it’s editing. Editors make decisions every day about what to publish, balancing the need to inform against the possibility of offending reader sensibilities.”

Fuck reader sensibilities. If you don’t like what you are reading or looking at, don’t read it or look at it. She is describing censorship and disguising it as editing.

HDWGH – Story 60 – Sensory Depravity

-*From The How Did We Get Here Series*-

**Now**: Russell Thomas opened the sensory deprivation hatch and upon smelling the vileness inside, kneeled over and puked up his lunch.

**Before**: Jason James (JJ To all of his friends) was having some weird hallucinations in the sensory deprivation tank. All he could do was chalk this up to the overall experience. He didn’t know if this was a normal thing or not. This was only his second trip to the tank and he didn’t remember hallucinating the first time around.
As the silence began to abate and JJ began to wake up, a few things were obvious to him. He had a fever. He had just taken a big huge dump in the sensory deprivation tank.
He would later find out that he had contracted norovirus and while in the tank contracted a fever of about 103F.

-*This story has based on an actual story found on the Reddit /legaladvice website via BuzzFeed.*-

HDWGH – Story 59 – Saucy Killer

-*From The How Did We Get Here Series*-

**Now**: Echo Stevens was slumped over her box full of greens as the hatch on her Caravan was locked in the open position. To any passersby, it looked like Mrs. Stevens was just taking a quick nap. They just couldn’t explain all of the spaghetti sauce covering the back of the minivan.

**Before**: Echo Stevens had a busy day ahead of her. The retirement party for her husband Red was this evening and she wanted it to be the best party ever. Red loved a good party. In fact, thats how Echo and Red met one summer in Santa Monica along the beach. It had to be the biggest beach party they had ever seen in their young lives. The sunset, the atmosphere, and the romantic setting was all that was needed to ignite the fire of a relationship that would span 40 years.

Most of the supplies that she needed had been purchased already but Echo needed some extra greens for her magnificent salad and she needed some extra sauce for the hand made ravioli that made her the talk of the town. Echo fired up the minivan and made her way towards the new grocery store on the east side of town.

The lines were short today and it took her a few minutes to run and grab the things she needed. She would have plenty of time to make this the best party ever.

Echo placed the greens on the left side of the rear of the minivan and set the six jars of spaghetti sauce on the right hand side. Placing the sauce down on the mat was the last thing that Echo Marie Stevens would ever know. Jar number 3 exploded as she set it down throwing shards of glass in every direction including her left eye, lower abdomen, and multiple locations on her legs and arms. The piece that penetrated her left eye was a rather large piece that destroyed her eye and continued into her brain.

HDWGH – Story 58 – Wandering Blind Man

-*From The How Did We Get Here Series*-

**Now**: Rachel Gilmore climbed into her cozy hotel queen size bed and felt ok doing so. Her husband John should be joining her but quite honestly, she didn’t know where he was. John was blind and had a history of wondering off whenever they went out for a nice getaway. She would always get annoyed by his insistance that he could find his way around by himself when he obviously could not. You know. Because, he is blind. Rachel wanted a vacation from John’s snoring and his wanderings so climbing into bed by herself was ok in her book.

**Before**: “And there he goes,” Rachel Gilmore thought to herself as her husband John began going down a hotel corridor that didn’t look like paying customers should be going down. She yelled after him but John was stubborn. He was as stubborn as he was blind. She was starting to wonder why she even bothered trying to believe that she and her husband could have a normal vacation, anywhere. It had been four years since the workshop accident that took his sight.

Four long years.

Rachel grew tired of yelling after her wayward husband and decided to turn around and visit the hotel bar. She’d start the vacation with a margarita and with or without her husband.

Weird Apple Issues

I just got an update from Apple that seems a bit strange. There is one major problem.

– The update took my devices OUT of a development cycle. I had to flip switches to put them back in. If I wouldn’t have been paying attention, that could’ve been a big deal.

I pay to be in the Apple Developer environment. Why they would make a switch for it and then opt out the developers by default is weird.

Ok. Weird Apple rant over.

HDWGH – Story 57 – Overcompensating

-*From The How Did We Get Here Series*-

**Now**: The red wine definitely stained Tinder Collins’ creme colored collar neck blouse. She had seen people throw their drinks on other people but she had never imaged that her own boyfriend would do it to her. He didn’t even give her a chance to explain before lofting his glass of Georges De Latour Private Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon circa 2018 on her face and blouse.

**Before**: Jack Nethens seemed to be doing all of the right things. He landed one of the prettiest girls in the college as his steady girlfriend and just seemed to be “crushing it” in every aspect of his life. Tinder Collins invited him over to her parent’s house to meet them and enjoy a nice quiet evening with what he hoped would be his future in-laws.

Jack detailed his new blue 2023 Ford Mustang Mach-E hoping to show Tinder that he would only provide the best for her. He put on the best casual clothing he owned and headed over to Clayton Avenue for the big evening. Nervous? Sure. He was certainly a little nervous.

The moment Jack walked in the door and met Tinder’s mother and father he knew he might be in trouble. It was easy to see that the parents didn’t seem to come from money at all. A bit unrefined would be an understatement. It was obvious that he wasn’t going to be in polite company. Was he even 60 seconds in before he heard the first fart joke?

By the time dessert rolled around, the evening had pretty much disintegrated into a full on assault aimed at Jack for owning an electric vehicle. The conversation devolved into politics and why he was wrong about everything. Finally, the comment that sent him over the edge. “Is it true that guys buy expensive cars because they have small penises?” The piece of cherry pie that Jack was working on fell out of his mouth. The question came from Tinder’s mother. What?

Tinder reacted quickly although not in the way Jack expected. “Well, he’s big enough momma. Though, he’s not quite as big as Tommy Watson,” Tinder said matter of factly. “I couldn’t sit straight for a month after Tommy.”

Jack stood up as if someone else was controlling him and grabbed his wine glass. Tinder’s dad looked strong enough but he wasn’t very fast. Jack wasn’t worried about fighting him. Without another thought, Jack threw the contents of his glass in Tinder’s face and walked out.

Without realizing it, Jack had just flexed his pedigree and… fuck Tommy Watson.

This Will NEVER Stop

Via AP

JERUSALEM (AP) — A Palestinian gunman opened fire outside an east Jerusalem synagogue Friday night, killing seven people, including a 70-year-old woman, and wounding three others before he was shot and killed by police, officials said. It was the deadliest attack on Israelis in years and raised the likelihood of more bloodshed.

The attack, which occurred as residents were observing the Jewish sabbath, came a day after an Israeli military raid killed nine Palestinians in the West Bank. Friday’s shooting set off celebrations in both the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip, where people fired guns into the air, honked horns and distributed sweets.

The burst of violence, which also included a rocket barrage from Gaza and retaliatory Israeli airstrikes, has posed an early challenge for Israel’s new government, which is dominated by ultranationalists who have pushed for a hard line against Palestinian violence. It also cast a cloud over a visit by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken to the region Sunday.

The only way to achieve peace is to take away the thing that the two children are fighting over. Simple parental tactics will solve this problem.