Christopher Reeve is Still Dead

No Google. It is not Christopher Reeves’ 69th birthday because he stopped having birthdays when he was 52. You know. Because, he died when he was 52.

Birthdays are celebrated by the living for the living. If you have a 16th birthday it is because you’ve lived that long. If you died when you were 5, you can’t possibly have a 16th birthday.

It is pretty simple really. I don’t know why we keep mis-using and mis-representing birthdays on Google.

It is ok to say “It *would have been* Christopher Reeve’s 69th birthday today.

On October 10, 2021, we can celebrate his death day.

A Week with COVID-19

09/04 – I got my first Covid-19 shot.

09/09 – I rode into work with a co-worker. Unknown to both of us at the time, one of their family members was infected with Covid.

09/10 – My co-worker started getting sick in the PM.

09/12 – I was laying out in the sun and began coughing sporadically. By 1530, I had the beginnings of what felt like a fever. By 1630, I was in bed with the covers pulled over me. It was a long night and I ended up with an extremely high temperature. Perhaps, the highest temperature I had ever had.

09/13 – Felt pretty good except still had the cough. Felt a little chilly.

09/14 – Now we have a boatload of congestion. Needed to take PMs to make myself fall asleep. Feverish off and on but nothing like the first night.

09/15 – Pretty much the same thing as the day before.

09/16 – New problem. Now, I can’t smell or taste anything. Took a sample and sent it to Amazon Labs for analysis. Should have results in 24 hours. Kim picked it up and dropped it off at UPS for me.

09/17 – Still can’t taste or smell. I am able to breathe through my nose which has been hit and miss the whole time. Received a message that the lab has received my sample. I should know within 24 hours what the results are. Pretty sure it will be positive.

**Update: 09/24** – *Results of the test were positive. I expected no less. My sense of smell and taste has slowly been returning. Two days ago, I caught a faint whiff of my shower soap and then could barely smell my deodorant. This morning, I can taste coffee. I can smell my chapstick. Today, I’ll see if I can find out about returning to work on Monday.*


Somebody I started watching on YouTube a while back. Ali Abdul sends out a newsletter every week or so and this is something that I found to be so true.

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