HDWGH – Story 38 – Elevator Scramble

-*From The How Did We Get Here Series*-

**Now**: The elevator doors opened as five angry employees suddenly changed their expressions as Lori Young quickly tried to replace her wedding ring. She didn’t have time to button up her blouse so the employees got a full view of her natural C-cups. John Jones was in the act of wiping off his still exposed cock as a small white pool was forming under Lori.

**Before**: This is one of those rare occasions in this series where the **now** completely explains the **before**. I mean, honestly. Two employees fucked in an elevator. No backstory needed.


Local newspaper shenanigans.

There is no way that the little girl shown below…

1. Gives a shit about school funding or even knows what it means.

2. Is only 2 years old.

Newspaper. Fuck off.

Excited for Rain

Yes. This is my personal blog and I write about weird shit from time to time.

If you are reading this then I am dragging you along for the ride. This post is about rain.

It is about my weird obsession with it during the summer months. Every time that I hear that it might rain, I stand at the ready.

For what?

You ask. Or, you don’t ask but I am going to tell you anyway.

I standby to run out in it. To ride my bike, walk around, jog, or just simply jump in my pool while it comes down. I love the summer rains.

Summer has always been my favorite time of the year but the rain makes everything even better.

Streaming Services

There are too many of them.

My prediction is that this business model in its current form is unsustainable.

People just want one place to pay and watch; they don’t want 100 of them. That is too much shit to keep track of. One place. One login. Done.

People are lazy. Paying for everything in one spot? How much lazier can you get?

Politics Light – Multiple Parties

First of all, I’d like to apologize for writing about politics on my website. I promise you that it is not going to a deep dive into which political party is better and why you should choose one over the other.


This quick article is about why I believe we need to get rid of the two party system and go with something like Israel has. I believe Japan might also have a similar model.

With more choices everyone wins.

Multiple parties make it less about “us versus them” and makes it more solidly about the issues themselves.

There are two things I believe are so simple in politics that the fact that they really aren’t is proof positive that the system is broken.

1. Multiple party system
2. Flat Income Taxes. Either 5% or 10% would get the job done and everyone pays their fair share which cannot be argued if everyone pays 10%.

Those two things are painfully obvious to me.

Ok. Enough about that shit.

HDWGH – Story 37 – You Can’t Swim There

-*From The How Did We Get Here Series*-

**Now**: Harrison Guthrie was just happy to be alive. Sure, he was soaking wet, standing in the mall fountain, and soon to be surrounded by mall cops. It could have gone much worse.

**Before**: Silvia Guthrie loved to shop. What she liked even more than shopping was bringing her husband along simply because she knew he hated it. They had been at the mall for two hours now and Harrison’s whining had started reaching a fevered pitch.

She began walking into the Gap store as Harrison signaled to his wife that he wished to remain outside the store so he could conduct some people watching. It was desperately needed at this point. His watches built in step counter had long reached his daily goal of 20,000 steps and threatened to grant him an all-time award for today. Shopping wasn’t natural to him and he simply hated it.

That is about the time he began fidgeting with his wedding ring. Of course, it had nothing to do with the blonde bombshell that just walked by him. Did she wink at him? As he tried to hide the wedding ring by slipping it off his finger and into his jacket pocket, two things occurred at about the same time.

The ring came off his finger and he was pushed and sent over the railing to land gracelessly in the center of the mall fountain by a not so happy Mrs. Guthrie who quite possibly saw the entire exchange with the blonde bombshell who, incidentally had not noticed what had just happened behind her.