
I am doing something today that I rarely do.


I am totally ok with staying in my own area and minding my own business as long as I can write, I’m happy. Sometimes, I have to get out of the comfort zone.

Hopefully, it will all work out in the end.

Vacation Begins


Time to break out the list of things that I’ve been accumulating and get busy!

I actually do like this working vacation because I have so many things that I want to do.

This is the first vacation I’ll be taking since I’ve began writing on a daily basis.

I’ll write a bunch of blog entries, I’m sure.

Let’s do this!

HDWGH – Story 27 – Winning

From The How Did We Get Here Series

Now: Artie Baker walked into the office with a smile on his face. The smile didn’t last long as everyone froze and stared at him. Nothing was said for a long moment before money began changing hands. Had everyone just placed a bet on him for something? He had an incredible lunch hour and coming back to this weird behavior was just bizarre.

Before: Artie pulled Jeff’s boxers down to his ankles and immediately took his lover’s cock in his mouth. He had been craving it all day long. How soft it was when he first touched it and how hard it became in just a few moments of blowing on the tip lightly. He sat in his cubicle fantasizing about licking the entire length. He loved sucking cock. He would do it all day long if it wasn’t for this stupid “adult” thing he had to do. He didn’t think any of his fellow office workers either knew or cared that he was gay.

Jeff’s first squirt of cum went high but the rest of it settled into Artie’s waiting mouth. He swallowed every drop. These lunch rendezvous are what kept their relationship interesting and exiting. Sometimes he secretly hoped that someone would walk in on him as he had Jeff’s big dick in his mouth; making the onlooker jealous, no doubt.

No kisses or hugs just a hurried goodbye and Artie was headed back to the office feeling like he owned the world. This day was turning out to be the best day ever!

Biking Season

I am most pleased about being able to bike back and forth to work once again.

This will be the 3rd day so far this week.

I have been tired for the last couple of days but there is a period of acclamation where the body needs to stop and realize we’re doing this again.

The journey back and forth each day has been extremely wonderful even in the bad weather. It is much different than driving back and forth in a car. You are relying on yourself. It is just you, the bike, and the road.

I’m just happy to be able to do it again.

Wondering Why Hiring Sucks?

I think with out the need to write more about the subject, the picture from today’s paper below demonstrates why it is so difficult to hire right now.

The company I work for goes through employees like shit through a goose. They hire 5 and the next day 3 leave. I’m not certain that the reason is so that they can say they’ve “tried” to find something.

CleanShot 2021 04 04 at 05 23 14 2x

For an employee who is not in managment, they make more money by not working. I have always felt that was the case but this chart puts those thoughts into a concrete form.

Why go to work when you can make more money by staying home? Probably also doesn’t hurt your need to feel safe from Covid as well.

Societal Concept

Since I write a lot of science fiction stories, I often wonder what would cause a civilization to never make it into space or not very far before the society collapses.

The collapse could be for any number of reasons.

Here is why I think the inhabitants of any planet can either kill the planet or as a people they thrive and reach out to the stars.

I believe this equation best describes it.

If you grow as a society faster than the rate of innovation, you die.

I think we are there. We’re producing shit tons of plastics that will have no where to go when we’re done with them. You could say “recycling” but you’d be wrong. Most plastic ends up either in the ocean or in a land fill. We could sure use an atomizer.

Too bad we didn’t invent one yet.

HDWGH – Story 26 – Pass the Pepper!

From The How Did We Get Here Series

Now: Doug Hess blinked his eyes in rapid succession as the pain between his eyes grew more intense. He was fairly certain that he asked the table next to him to pass the pepper and not throw it.

Before: Stacy Driscall wasn’t having a very good morning. Her father had demanded that she go back into her bedroom and put on clothing that was a bit more appropriate for the public. She was furious. It was summer and everyone else her age was wearing tube tops so why couldn’t she? It wasn’t like her tits were spilling out of it. Fucking dad. She took off the tube top and put on a dark blouse in its place not bothering to put a bra on either. She balled up the tube top and put that in her purse. When she got to the restaurant, she’d change back into the tube top. Fuck her dad. She wasn’t going to pick up any guys if they couldn’t see the package.

She met her friends Alice, Becky, and Amy at the country diner on old route 55. Stacy immediately went into the bathroom and removed the blouse replacing it with the tube top. In this light, she could see why her dad wasn’t happy with it. Her dark nipples were visible but she didn’t care. She had a light jacket to cover them top with should the need arise. She thought she looked pretty hot.

Doug Hess couldn’t have been more happy when the waitress brought his plate of eggs and home fries over to him. She asked if he was good and he thought to himself what a silly question that was. Of course, he was good. He had eggs and home fries. It wasn’t until the waitress left him that he noticed that the pepper container was missing. That was always the case with Doug. He always seemed to miss the little details until it was too late.

Doug turned towards the group of girls in the next booth over and asked if he could borrow the pepper. Stacy’s brain translated “could I borrow your pepper?,” into “nice tits on her,” which in any other circumstance would have been flattering to Stacy. If Doug Hess would have been a young guy, Stacy’s reaction would have probably been different. However, in an instant flare of rage festering from the mornings conversation with her dad, she picked up the pepper container and threw the glass container at Doug and surprisingly hit him right in the middle of his forehead. Stacy felt instantly better and she continued on with her friends as though nothing happened.

Author’s Note: This may or may not have been inspired by a personal episode which may or may not have occurred when I was seventeen.