Mike Williams

Services Update

It looks like I am going to attend the services for my baby brother because in this instance, it would seem completely wrong for me not to attend.

My brother and I weren’t really close in the latter part of his life but we were close in the first half.

That is how I will choose tom remember him.

The little guy that was excited about everything. He used to be a little fireball so full of energy and wanting to try everything.

He loved riding around with me on my Suzuki Quad Racer when he was little and thought it was the greatest thing ever.

We always thought the he would be the one to go off to college and change the world as we knew it.

His life took a different path.

I believe that this path is the very reason we need to attend a service to mourn his passing this week.

R.I.P. Little Brother.


I’ll tell you why I think funerals are archaic and stupid.

It is because they are not about the person who actually died. They are about a bunch of people who knew the dead person and who come together to make themselves feel better about the loss of the person in the box. In a lot of cases, it is almost like a reunion of people who are connected and by the death of someone, have decided to reconnect.

Again, not about the dead person although everything may appear that way. The dead person really doesn’t give a shit about the gathering. In fact, they aren’t even aware that it is happening. What is the point of throwing a party for someone who can’t attend?

That is wrong to me.

HDWGH – Story 32 – Easter Surprise

From The How Did We Get Here Series

Now: Jessica Simmons looked up from the holy water in Saint Michael’s Church’s vestibule to find three priests staring at her with crossed arms and shocked looks on their faces. Brown chunks of biological matter floated around in the holy water. Jessica wasn’t sure but at the moment the priests arrived, she might have a peed a little into the holy water.

Before: Jessica Simmons was upset with her parents about having to go to Sunday Easter services alone. She never understood why they made her go to church when they themselves did not go. It was no matter. On Easter morning she woke up and ran through her usual routine. When it came time to dress, she picked one of her favorite sundresses, and decided to paint her nails to match the dress. With finger nails and toe nails ready, she began getting dressed. First, the panties and bra, followed by the slip, and then finally the sundress. She looked in the mirror and marveled at how good she looked.

She left her small house and began the short two block journey to the Catholic Church named Saint Michael’s. It was an over the top throw back to the times when church mattered more to folks than what it seemed like now, she thought. As she approached the church, she removed her flats and continued the journey in her bare feet. The sun was warm and she felt so beautiful. Until, she accidentally stepped in a big steaming pile of dog poo. The feeling of shit squishing between her toes almost made her vomit. The smell was excruciating.

She had a plan. It was early enough that the priests wouldn’t be out greeting anyone just yet. She got as much of the shit of her toes as she could without touching it by wiping her toes in the nearby grass and then proceeded into the church vestibule. Right in the center, right where she expected it to be, was the holy water fountain or whatever the proper term was. She didn’t know and didn’t care. She set her shoes down on the small bench inside the door and jumped up planting her feet in the Luke warm holy water. She wasn’t sure if she should say a blessing, prayer, or simply ask for forgiveness.

Hopefully, she could get cleaned up and no one would see her.

Obituary Madness

I find it immensely entertaining to read the obituary pages of my local newspaper.


Well, because of all of the bullshit in the short articles about each person. I’m not talking about wild claims of how good of a person they were. No. I’m talking about something even more hilarious.

It is the part that claims that they went somewhere that has me a bit baffled.

John went home to be with the Lord.

No. He didn’t.

He died. John went nowhere. He ceased to exist as John and became a near useless pile of biological matter. People can’t get their heads around death as a concept.

We simply can’t just die. We know all of these things. The human spirit lives on.

None of those things are true.

Death is a very appropriate word even if most people don’t understand what it truly means.

Big Toe Fun

I was in a very big hurry to get my Amazon packages off the front porch when (much to my surprise) I slammed my big toe into a section of the house and broke it open.

It hurts.

It doesn’t hurt as much as I think it should which kind of scares me a little. Since I go barefoot so much, I may just have tough feet.

It was a stupid thing to do and most people would not admit their stupidity.

I will.


This is the first time that I can remember that I don’t recognize any of the names on the famous birthdays page of the newspaper.

CleanShot 2021 05 07 at 04 27 46 2x

CleanShot 2021 05 07 at 04 27 55 2x

HDWGH – Story 31 – Movie Theater Madness

HDWGH – Story 31 – Movie Theater Madness

From The How Did We Get Here Series

Now: The whole audience turned back in their seats to look at a very naked Marissa James riding young Jared Harper’s cock. Marissa’s immediate guess as to the undivided attention may have been timing. The action on the screen gave way to complete silence for the first time during the movie as Marissa had one of the biggest orgasms of her life. She thought the movie would mask the moans. It did not. Oops.

Before: Marissa James wanted to fuck her boyfriend in a movie theater. It was on her bucket list right up there with joining the mile high club. She loved sex but what really made her super horny was the notion of getting caught. That was why sex in public places appealed so much to her. She completely stripped out of her clothes in the library last week in a section that people rarely visited. The selfies were priceless. She just finished buttoning her blouse to cover her rock hard nipples when the librarian wondered by. Almost getting caught made her so wet that cum dripped down her leg on the way out.

The daring to be caught lifestyle was appealing to her. The parents were a bunch of squares who didn’t have the faintest clue how their VCR worked, let alone have any ideas about what she did when they weren’t around. Her boyfriend suggested that they go see the new Hellboy movie. That would do. “It should be a noisy experience for most of the movie,” Marissa thought to herself.

After parking themselves away from the rest of the audience in the most remote corner they could find, Marissa dropped her dress to the floor revealing…everything. It didn’t take Jared long to pull out his hardening cock. Marissa wrapped her pussy around it and they started getting busy.


I am tired.

That is why you are only getting a drive by post today.

The only thing I can complain about today is the weather. Only the afternoon weather. It rained all of the way into work and I fucking loved it.

Ok. That is all I got.