Mike Williams

Apple News

I absolutely love the Apple News app.

The News app on my iPhone that is.

The News app on my computer is something quite different. For me, it all comes down to one simple thing. It is the inability to save anything to Instapaper.

Even though I have the option checked and enabled, it simply doesn’t show up as an option. The only options are apple’s built in choices. So, even though it appears you have choice here you don’t.

CleanShot 2021 05 04 at 05 50 16 2x

Even though I obviously have it checked here…

CleanShot 2021 05 04 at 05 51 15 2x

I think the phone just works better anyway but there are times when I am charging my phone that I’d like to be able to just use the M1 MBP.

Ok. My venting is over.

That Smell!

I am riding back and forth to work again on the bike. I absolutely love it.

While riding home this afternoon after it had been raining on and off throughout the day, I couldn’t help but notice how much the outside smelled. Bad.

It smelled like old socks mixed in with a little chicken shit with a side of hairy ass thrown in just in case you still have a sense of smell when it is all over.

Granted. That is not a professional opinion. I’m sure science types would say “math, math, big words, science, and suck it,” or something along those lines.

It still stinks outside. Maybe we should call the cleaning lady.

That is all I’m saying.

Laying out in the Sun

It wasn’t necessarily warm yesterday morning but the sun was so warm on the skin that I ended up laying out for a while.

I have a much smaller area to lay out in than I did last year because this year I am fenced in. It provides a great deal of privacy and is also help cut down on the noise.

My body reacts tremendously well when sunlight is applied to it.

Who knew?

HDWGH – Story 30 – Raven Thief

From The How Did We Get Here Series

Now: Matt Hagen used a kitchen towel to stop the small flow of blood from his mouth. The injury was from Matt’s wife Heather who had possibly just heard the weirdest excuse her husband had ever given her for not completing an assigned task. She reacted to the story by simply punching him in the face. After the last lie he told, what could she do?

Before: Matt Hagen had been given the stupid task of grocery shopping at Costco by his wife Heather who couldn’t be bothered on this gloomy spring day. He hated grocery shopping. His wife was almost militant about the way he was supposed to buy groceries, what to buy, and most certainly what not to buy. He gave in to her demands because of a small lie he had told recently. He didn’t know how many errands he would have to run before she’d forgive him.

He went golfing with his friends last weekend instead of attending a wedding with his wife. He told his wife that he had to work on Saturday and couldn’t get out of it. He would have gotten away with it but his friend Jeff wasn’t very bright and forgot that he wasn’t supposed to say anything. He did. Heather Hagan turned into another woman after that. Not very kind to Matt, at all.

As Matt was finishing the loading of the groceries, a large fat Raven swooped down, ripped open the pack of steaks he had just bought, and flew off with both of them. This was Alaska. Weird shit happened here. The right thing to do would have been to go back into the store and see about getting his money back. That was a hassle.

He was fairly certain that when he told his wife what had happened, she would understand.

Pool Area Project

My illustrious pool project for 2021 is almost completed.

The first year I used an inflatable pool that costs a whopping $10-20 dollars.

I bought more expensive inflatables since then but for the last couple of years I have gravitated back to that original $10 design. It just works.

This year I have added a beach area, tiki candles, and fencing. It was pretty expensive but I think that the privacy of being able to lay out in the yard without all of the cars driving by disturbing me will be worth it.

We’ll see.