Mike Williams

The Hitman’s Bodyguard

I just got around to watching this movie. I love both of the main characters.

If you want a nice explosion, guns, action filled type of movie then you’ll love this one.

I thought Selma Hayek’s character was a hoot and so much of what we don’t usually see her doing. She did channel the stereotypical Latina anger issue thing which I thought was hilarious. She was just so angry. All of the time.

Samuel L. Jackson always is great to watch.

I’m not going to talk about plot but if you are looking for a movie that just transports you somewhere else for about an hour and a half, this movie will fill the bill.

The Mystery of Dark Matter

Today’s random thought is about Dark Matter.

As I was sitting here at my desk thinking about all of the things that we are so close to achieving as far as space exploration, I had a wandering thought.

Actually, it was more like a question.

Why do we waste so much time trying to understand something that we made up to explain something that really doesn’t need explaining?

There is air. There is space.

Can we move it along, please?

There are infinitely many more things out there that need to be analyzed, probed, and then probed again.

We are wasting so much precious time on something that may or may not exist. Some people will devote their whole lives to this and to me, that is such a waste. A waste of someone’s life.

I personally believe that if it wasn’t for all of these “side projects” we would probably already have a colony on the moon and also on Mars.

Can you imagine what the world would be like if all of the scientists were focused on achieving one goal. The could all have their roles to play but what if they were all driven towards a common goal?

Wouldn’t that be cool?

Revisions versus Writing

I am a first draft kind of guy. I can sit here all day long and pound out original material like nobody’s business.

When it comes to revisions, I hate it.

I’m doing it now. I have to go back over the last few stories I’ve written and complete the first revision. I have some beta readers who are willing to read my stories and give me feedback.

I plan on giving these stories to an editor when I think I’m ready to publish them.

Self publishing is something new I am trying but I don’t think you can or should publish anything without an editor looking at it.

My grammar can be awful sometimes. Anyone who reads this blog should know that by now.

That is all I have. Nothing Earth shattering. Just a post about how much I hate editing myself.

Book Review – Sort Of

I’m not yet going to give details of the book but I’m listening to a science fiction nugget.

I like the whole idea of it. There are parts that don’t seem to make much sense.

For one thing, the main enemy is missing the motivation. They are bad and try to kill the main characters but I still don’t know why.

It sounds like democracy versus communism. That seems off.

I’ll write a good review when this book is finished. It will probably be soon. I think I have 5 hours left.


I am doing something today that I rarely do.


I am totally ok with staying in my own area and minding my own business as long as I can write, I’m happy. Sometimes, I have to get out of the comfort zone.

Hopefully, it will all work out in the end.

Vacation Begins


Time to break out the list of things that I’ve been accumulating and get busy!

I actually do like this working vacation because I have so many things that I want to do.

This is the first vacation I’ll be taking since I’ve began writing on a daily basis.

I’ll write a bunch of blog entries, I’m sure.

Let’s do this!

Biking Season

I am most pleased about being able to bike back and forth to work once again.

This will be the 3rd day so far this week.

I have been tired for the last couple of days but there is a period of acclamation where the body needs to stop and realize we’re doing this again.

The journey back and forth each day has been extremely wonderful even in the bad weather. It is much different than driving back and forth in a car. You are relying on yourself. It is just you, the bike, and the road.

I’m just happy to be able to do it again.

Wondering Why Hiring Sucks?

I think with out the need to write more about the subject, the picture from today’s paper below demonstrates why it is so difficult to hire right now.

The company I work for goes through employees like shit through a goose. They hire 5 and the next day 3 leave. I’m not certain that the reason is so that they can say they’ve “tried” to find something.

CleanShot 2021 04 04 at 05 23 14 2x

For an employee who is not in managment, they make more money by not working. I have always felt that was the case but this chart puts those thoughts into a concrete form.

Why go to work when you can make more money by staying home? Probably also doesn’t hurt your need to feel safe from Covid as well.