How Did We Get Here?

HDWGH – Story 32 – Easter Surprise

From The How Did We Get Here Series

Now: Jessica Simmons looked up from the holy water in Saint Michael’s Church’s vestibule to find three priests staring at her with crossed arms and shocked looks on their faces. Brown chunks of biological matter floated around in the holy water. Jessica wasn’t sure but at the moment the priests arrived, she might have a peed a little into the holy water.

Before: Jessica Simmons was upset with her parents about having to go to Sunday Easter services alone. She never understood why they made her go to church when they themselves did not go. It was no matter. On Easter morning she woke up and ran through her usual routine. When it came time to dress, she picked one of her favorite sundresses, and decided to paint her nails to match the dress. With finger nails and toe nails ready, she began getting dressed. First, the panties and bra, followed by the slip, and then finally the sundress. She looked in the mirror and marveled at how good she looked.

She left her small house and began the short two block journey to the Catholic Church named Saint Michael’s. It was an over the top throw back to the times when church mattered more to folks than what it seemed like now, she thought. As she approached the church, she removed her flats and continued the journey in her bare feet. The sun was warm and she felt so beautiful. Until, she accidentally stepped in a big steaming pile of dog poo. The feeling of shit squishing between her toes almost made her vomit. The smell was excruciating.

She had a plan. It was early enough that the priests wouldn’t be out greeting anyone just yet. She got as much of the shit of her toes as she could without touching it by wiping her toes in the nearby grass and then proceeded into the church vestibule. Right in the center, right where she expected it to be, was the holy water fountain or whatever the proper term was. She didn’t know and didn’t care. She set her shoes down on the small bench inside the door and jumped up planting her feet in the Luke warm holy water. She wasn’t sure if she should say a blessing, prayer, or simply ask for forgiveness.

Hopefully, she could get cleaned up and no one would see her.

HDWGH – Story 31 – Movie Theater Madness

HDWGH – Story 31 – Movie Theater Madness

From The How Did We Get Here Series

Now: The whole audience turned back in their seats to look at a very naked Marissa James riding young Jared Harper’s cock. Marissa’s immediate guess as to the undivided attention may have been timing. The action on the screen gave way to complete silence for the first time during the movie as Marissa had one of the biggest orgasms of her life. She thought the movie would mask the moans. It did not. Oops.

Before: Marissa James wanted to fuck her boyfriend in a movie theater. It was on her bucket list right up there with joining the mile high club. She loved sex but what really made her super horny was the notion of getting caught. That was why sex in public places appealed so much to her. She completely stripped out of her clothes in the library last week in a section that people rarely visited. The selfies were priceless. She just finished buttoning her blouse to cover her rock hard nipples when the librarian wondered by. Almost getting caught made her so wet that cum dripped down her leg on the way out.

The daring to be caught lifestyle was appealing to her. The parents were a bunch of squares who didn’t have the faintest clue how their VCR worked, let alone have any ideas about what she did when they weren’t around. Her boyfriend suggested that they go see the new Hellboy movie. That would do. “It should be a noisy experience for most of the movie,” Marissa thought to herself.

After parking themselves away from the rest of the audience in the most remote corner they could find, Marissa dropped her dress to the floor revealing…everything. It didn’t take Jared long to pull out his hardening cock. Marissa wrapped her pussy around it and they started getting busy.

HDWGH – Story 30 – Raven Thief

From The How Did We Get Here Series

Now: Matt Hagen used a kitchen towel to stop the small flow of blood from his mouth. The injury was from Matt’s wife Heather who had possibly just heard the weirdest excuse her husband had ever given her for not completing an assigned task. She reacted to the story by simply punching him in the face. After the last lie he told, what could she do?

Before: Matt Hagen had been given the stupid task of grocery shopping at Costco by his wife Heather who couldn’t be bothered on this gloomy spring day. He hated grocery shopping. His wife was almost militant about the way he was supposed to buy groceries, what to buy, and most certainly what not to buy. He gave in to her demands because of a small lie he had told recently. He didn’t know how many errands he would have to run before she’d forgive him.

He went golfing with his friends last weekend instead of attending a wedding with his wife. He told his wife that he had to work on Saturday and couldn’t get out of it. He would have gotten away with it but his friend Jeff wasn’t very bright and forgot that he wasn’t supposed to say anything. He did. Heather Hagan turned into another woman after that. Not very kind to Matt, at all.

As Matt was finishing the loading of the groceries, a large fat Raven swooped down, ripped open the pack of steaks he had just bought, and flew off with both of them. This was Alaska. Weird shit happened here. The right thing to do would have been to go back into the store and see about getting his money back. That was a hassle.

He was fairly certain that when he told his wife what had happened, she would understand.

HDWGH – Story 29 – Remote Dud

From The How Did We Get Here Series

Now: Brian Kirby did not expect this! He pressed the detonator and should have heard a very loud boom. Instead, he was surrounded by a bunch of flashing red and blue lights and a big (some might say) oversized police officer yelling at him to raise his hands. This was certainly not the way he thought this day would go.

Before: Rachel Phillips loved her boyfriend. She loved him in spite of the fact that he never really talked about his “job.” He would always come home talking with such vagueness, that some of his tales could be applied equally across donut shop owner, car mechanic, and opera singer. Tonight, he had finally opened up to her about what he did for a living. Not only was she horrified to find out that Brian was a well known and well paid hitman but that his next target was a friend of Rachel’s from college. She worked really hard to hide to horror she was feeling.

She had to do something. Under the guise of walking her dog, she left her tiny Brooklyn apartment and headed down India Street. This explained everything to her. The apartment over looking the East River waterfront in a new development seemed way too much for someone Brian’s age to afford. She called the police and told them everything she knew including how he had planned to kill Rachel’s friend.

Rachel kissed Brian goodbye that evening and sat on her bed. She would just sit here until the call came in from the police.

Then, she would pack up her belongings and leave. Well, she continued thinking about her situation, it was the beginning of the month and this apartment cost over $5000 a month. Perhaps, she would leave at the end of the month. Fuck Brian. Fuck Brian in his hitman who wants to kill my college friend’s face.

HDWGH – Story 28 – Just Wading Around

From The How Did We Get Here Series

Now: The Perkins family stood outside of their house as water flowed out of the front door and into the street in front of their house. The house sat in the middle of a cul de sac so, all of the neighbors had a front row seat to the birth of the “Perkins River” as it would come to be known in the late edition of the local newspaper.

Before: Todd Perkins and his little brother Tony knew better than to throw the football in the house. Over the years, they had broken their fair share of living room furniture including a vase that their grandmother had passed down through the generations. They had just finished watching their famous team play and felt like tossing the football around. It was raining outside so tossing the ball around in the house had been the only option for them as they saw it. There was another stupid option to “not” through the ball in the house but the boys didn’t much care for that option.

Tony threw Todd a pass that quite frankly was a little too wobbly. Todd still made the attempt to catch it but it got by him and sailed into there kitchen. He heard it bounce of something and land in the middle of the floor. At this point, the boys felt like they had pushed their luck and decided to stop throwing the ball inside the house.

It was about 2:00 am when the kitchen sink facet had decided to come loose after being jarred earlier by the football. There was a sound of metal hitting the tile floor and then the water began gushing out onto the floor. No one heard the water. It wasn’t until momma Perkins made her way downstairs in the morning that the full effect could be appreciated. There was screaming, some yelling, and momma Perkins may have peed herself a little.

HDWGH – Story 27 – Winning

From The How Did We Get Here Series

Now: Artie Baker walked into the office with a smile on his face. The smile didn’t last long as everyone froze and stared at him. Nothing was said for a long moment before money began changing hands. Had everyone just placed a bet on him for something? He had an incredible lunch hour and coming back to this weird behavior was just bizarre.

Before: Artie pulled Jeff’s boxers down to his ankles and immediately took his lover’s cock in his mouth. He had been craving it all day long. How soft it was when he first touched it and how hard it became in just a few moments of blowing on the tip lightly. He sat in his cubicle fantasizing about licking the entire length. He loved sucking cock. He would do it all day long if it wasn’t for this stupid “adult” thing he had to do. He didn’t think any of his fellow office workers either knew or cared that he was gay.

Jeff’s first squirt of cum went high but the rest of it settled into Artie’s waiting mouth. He swallowed every drop. These lunch rendezvous are what kept their relationship interesting and exiting. Sometimes he secretly hoped that someone would walk in on him as he had Jeff’s big dick in his mouth; making the onlooker jealous, no doubt.

No kisses or hugs just a hurried goodbye and Artie was headed back to the office feeling like he owned the world. This day was turning out to be the best day ever!

HDWGH – Story 26 – Pass the Pepper!

From The How Did We Get Here Series

Now: Doug Hess blinked his eyes in rapid succession as the pain between his eyes grew more intense. He was fairly certain that he asked the table next to him to pass the pepper and not throw it.

Before: Stacy Driscall wasn’t having a very good morning. Her father had demanded that she go back into her bedroom and put on clothing that was a bit more appropriate for the public. She was furious. It was summer and everyone else her age was wearing tube tops so why couldn’t she? It wasn’t like her tits were spilling out of it. Fucking dad. She took off the tube top and put on a dark blouse in its place not bothering to put a bra on either. She balled up the tube top and put that in her purse. When she got to the restaurant, she’d change back into the tube top. Fuck her dad. She wasn’t going to pick up any guys if they couldn’t see the package.

She met her friends Alice, Becky, and Amy at the country diner on old route 55. Stacy immediately went into the bathroom and removed the blouse replacing it with the tube top. In this light, she could see why her dad wasn’t happy with it. Her dark nipples were visible but she didn’t care. She had a light jacket to cover them top with should the need arise. She thought she looked pretty hot.

Doug Hess couldn’t have been more happy when the waitress brought his plate of eggs and home fries over to him. She asked if he was good and he thought to himself what a silly question that was. Of course, he was good. He had eggs and home fries. It wasn’t until the waitress left him that he noticed that the pepper container was missing. That was always the case with Doug. He always seemed to miss the little details until it was too late.

Doug turned towards the group of girls in the next booth over and asked if he could borrow the pepper. Stacy’s brain translated “could I borrow your pepper?,” into “nice tits on her,” which in any other circumstance would have been flattering to Stacy. If Doug Hess would have been a young guy, Stacy’s reaction would have probably been different. However, in an instant flare of rage festering from the mornings conversation with her dad, she picked up the pepper container and threw the glass container at Doug and surprisingly hit him right in the middle of his forehead. Stacy felt instantly better and she continued on with her friends as though nothing happened.

Author’s Note: This may or may not have been inspired by a personal episode which may or may not have occurred when I was seventeen.

HDWGH – Story 25 – Modern Spycraft

HDWGH – Story 25 – Modern Spycraft

From The How Did We Get Here Series

Now: Charles Dooley’s face became an instant shade of pale as he looked through the telescopic lens of his spy camera. His wife was in the apartment complex across the way. Two floors down from where Charles was spying from his balcony. His wife’s hard nipples were pressed against the patio door glass as she took Doug Johnson’s incredibly large ‘Johnson’ from behind.

Before: He knew it was wrong. He also knew he liked watching. Charles Dooley had started watching his neighbor’s sexual escapades through a pair of old Army field googles he had acquired from his long since dead grandfather. Since those first few times, he had upgraded and bought a super serious rig capable of recording what he saw.

Charles didn’t have many friends. There wasn’t really anyone he could talk to about what he saw so he kept the Wednesday afternoon viewing pleasure to himself. He didn’t dare tell his wife. She’d make him take the rig back to the store and shame him into doing something else a lot less interesting.

Doug Johnson had a huge cock. It was no wonder that various neighborhood women would pay him a visit on Wednesdays. There were at least two dozen that he recognized from various social functions and he always felt a little bad for the husbands. If they only knew. If only, he could tell them.

Well, the one thing that made him feel comfortable in his manhood was the fact that his wife wasn’t one of the visitors.

HDWGH – Story 24 – Neglected Details

From The How Did We Get Here Series

Now: Megan Hamilton woke up out of a dead sleep. She couldn’t help it. Her husband was facing her and looked to be out cold. In the small space between them, a wet urine soaked bed. The smell made her want to vomit.

Before: Josh Hamilton would finally be able to sleep with his new bride. He knew the rules. No drinking alcohol or unpleasant things could happen during the night. He had been successful in keeping this from Megan throughout the years they’ve been dating. It was rather easy. They had never actually spent the entire night together. They weren’t prone to drinking so he wasn’t really worried.

The wedding reception was full of alcohol and Josh knew that if he drank any of it, there would be a small chance Megan would get an unexpected surprise in the morning.

It was his wedding day after all. Why not?

HDWGH – Story 23 – A Summer Night Stroll

From The How Did We Get Here Series

Now: Cam (short for Camille) Dallas is walking home in the pale moonlight on a nice summer evening. She is 100% nude and desperately hoping no one sees her.

Before: Cam Dallas woke up with a slight burning sensation over most of her nude body. It took her a quick moment to realize that she had fallen asleep in the tanning bed. Why didn’t anyone wake her up? She thought to herself. She opened up the lid of the tanning bed to discover it was dark. She stood up and fumbled around for a light. After a few moments, the lights came on. The first thing she noticed was that her clothes were gone. That was weird.

She opened the door and to her surprise, the entire office was dark. What time was it? She walked back into her room and looked up at the clock. 1:57 am. What the fuck! How could they leave her in the tanning booth? She looked around frantically for something to put on. Nothing. Not even a fucking towel.

She thought for a moment. Since it was early morning, she may get away with walking home nude. Thank goodness the mini mall didn’t have super security. She pushed open a back door. No alarm.