NSFW in a Covid-19 Era

What does NSFW mean? It stands for Not Safe for Work. This generally refers to nudity.

You certainly wouldn’t want your boss to see that you are looking at explicit photos while you are at work, would you? Normally, it isn’t even an issue. You generally don’t go through your work day looking at nude pictures, porn, or other such things.

If you work from home, does NSFW apply to you?

Just thinking out loud this morning.

Why did I choose the picture I did for this post. Two words. Great. Furniture.

Profound Wisdom

I have another fine quotable from myself.

In speaking to a young couple about what they have versus what their neighbor’s have. In other words, they have a nice house and I wish we could have a house like that.

The only difference between you and the neighbor’s down the street is the decisions you’ve made.

Yes. Utterly profound. Indeed.

Hell – I Found It

There is nothing I loathe more than political discussion. Using the word “discussion” is usually putting it mildly.

While I was waiting for my ride to work yesterday, I was in a really bad position. I had to stand at the door and look out for my ride to show up so I couldn’t really go anywhere. It was too cold to just stand outside and wait or I would have.

Another person in my house came down stairs and sat in the kitchen with his phone on speaker talking to another person about…wait for it…you guessed it. Fucking politics.

If the door would have been made of glass, I would have thrown myself through it. It would have been a more pleasant experience.

The very definition of hell for me is being forced to listen to anyone talk about politics. I went into work feeling dirty after that.

True story.

HDWGH – Story 18 – Bang a Box

HDWGH – Story 18

From The How Did We Get Here Series

Now: Wyatt Ford sat on his porch with a hammer in one hand and a look of utter sorrow on his formerly angry face. A box full of mangled pieces of plastic, aluminum, and glass sitting at his feet. A crumpled note at the bottom of the box reads “To my weird brother, may this brand new iPad Pro serve you well in whatever weird shit you may get into next. Love, Sis.”

Before: Wyatt Ford was not a very patient man. His impatience grew in intensity as the front doorbell rang while he was in the middle of shall we say, extra curricular activities. At his front door was a UPS delivery driver with a box addressed to Wyatt. He signed the device and decided to open it on the porch. It was a nice day after all. After about 5 minutes of fighting with the packaging and basically no closer to opening the box, Wyatt went into his garage and brought out what he considered to be the most appropriate tool for the job. A hammer. Wyatt’s technique worked and soon the box was opened. He was so angry that the contents of the box didn’t fair too well. He didn’t really recognize it before in all of his rage but there was a note at the bottom of the box.


Since this is my website I can write about whatever I feel like writing about. Today, I’d like to say a few things about learning.

I used to have a membership to a weird little website called Lynda.com. I found it because some of the Photoshop podcasts I followed would often advertise that they had more content on Lynda.com. It was a weird name so I stayed away until one day, I didn’t.

I signed up and began learning all kinds of things. It was mostly technical and had a lotto do with work related applications but it was a place you could go and learn pretty much anything.

And then LinkedIn, a site that I didn’t really like although I can’t remember why bought Lynda.com. I was almost devastated but I quickly got over it as the site kept the logo and all was good. It did hound me to upgrade to LinkedIn Learning which I ignored for a very large amount of time, until I didn’t.

I am using LinkedIn Learning now and I really like it. I exceed my goal of 120 minutes of learning time every week. One week, I ended up with over 400 minutes.

This isn’t a paid advertisement but if you are so inclined. I would recommend them.

Missing the Point

Australia. First of all, I love your women. They are amazing, smart, and gorgeous.

As for your decision making skills as a country, not so much.

Australia’s prime minister said on Monday that Microsoft is confident it can fill the void if Google carries out its threat to remove its search engine from Australia.

This story is about Microsoft filling a void. That in and of itself, should be scary.

Filling a void isn’t really the point. By your actions, you are taking a choice away from your citizens.

They should be outraged.

The Superhero TV Formula

I love comic books. That isn’t to say that I read them. I love comic books because of the superhero movies and television shows that are a result of them.

I remember sitting in from of our console TV as a child and watching Batman every day. The one thing I do NOT remember is shows that focused on sexuality, feelings, emotions, or other shit that simply doesn’t belong in the genre.

The series tied everything up in a nice bow. The villain would do dastardly things and the superhero would stop them and save the day. There would always be some trap that Batman and Robin would have to get out of. It was glorious. Was Batman bisexual? I dunno. Was Robin really a gender neutral? Again, dunno. My question is why would I care? It lends nothing to the story and although a modern screen writer might claim that it helps define the character, I would disagree.

It matters much less than they think it does.

I watched Star Trek as a kid and all of the way through to my adulthood. I believe I was in my forties when I read that George Takei (Sulu) was gay. That is how much it didn’t matter. His sexuality had nothing to do with the character much in the same way as if his character was gay.

A later Star Trek movie that reasoned that if George was gay then the character must also be gay was fucking ridiculous. I’m fairly certain that Gene Roddenberry did not write Sulu as a gay character.

You get the idea. Leave the fucking sexuality out of it and your shows probably would enjoy more seasons instead of getting cancelled.

I mean Batwoman. Jesus.

Uninstalling Adobe Creative Cloud

I uninstalled the Adobe suite this morning on my M1 MBP and I’ll tell you why.

It was consuming mass amounts of my CPU time. It wasn’t a fair amount. Yesterday it clocked the CPU at nearly 100%. Why? That is a good question for an app that I wasn’t even using.

I wasn’t using Photoshop, Lightroom, or Bridge. According to my monkey brain logic, that means that Adobe should not have been using any of my CPU. Even if you are checking for updates, you don’t need to check that often and you most certainly don’t need to keep phoning home about it.

The programming is ridiculous and I can’t believe that more people haven’t complained about it. I have 16 gigs of RAM and it was still an issue for me.

There are other apps on the market besides Photoshop. I don’t use it very often anyway.

Well, that is why I decided to remove it. I’ll spend some time today trying to find something that works close enough that I can continue to create the banner that I use it for.

Bye Adobe. No. You can’t have all of my CPU.