Last Day of the Month

I’m filing this one under shizz because it just should be.

It is snowing.

That is really all I have to say…

…or do I?

I started watching a show on Netflix called Fate which is a lot like Harry Potter except with all fairies. I’ll write a more appropriate review when I finish the first season. Of course, since we’re talking about Netflix it could only get one season and be really good but since Netflix decides whatever the show can get cancelled.

I’m not bitter about the cancelling. I get enraged about it. Why bother sinking all of your resources into something only to decide too soon that it wasn’t making you enough income? Look at Firefly. Jesus. That show should have lasted a shitload of seasons longer than it did. Everyone knows it.

Ok. This post about nothing in particular is over now. Everyone can resume with whatever they were doing which is probably infinitely more interesting than reading this garbage.

The picture is courtesy of this post who thinks that micro plastics are everywhere and we should all care about it.

1% Mob Mentality

I am by no means, a one percenter.

In fact, I am probably on the opposite side of that spectrum.

I do not desire to have anything that a one percenter has. If I did, I would create a task list and goals that would get me to that end. It is really pretty simple really.

We can do anything if we actually set our minds to it. We really can.

During this past “peak season” when online shipments are going through the roof, I am the busiest that I will be all year long. It is always a dreaded time of the year for me and the people that work for me.

This year I decided to do something really radical. I decided to try and write a short story during “peak season.” I set a goal with clearly defined road maps along the way and followed the plan. The result?

Not only did I write a short story during “peak season” but I wrote nearly three of them. I finished the 3rd story shortly after the new year.

I am currently finishing up the 4th story and will soon be onto the 5th story. The goal is a nine story set that I may plan on actually publishing.

There is a point to all of this. If you want something that someone else has that, in and of itself, is a problem. That not withstanding, if you want something that someone else has or even just their lifestyle you can do it. If, you work at it.

There lies the rub. People are lazy. People are stupid. People love lashing out in a pack mentality. I think it is perfectly fine to want what someone else has as long as you are willing to do what it takes to achieve it for yourself.

Thinking that someone else owes you something is retarded. Yes. I’ll use the word and if you don’t like you can fuck off. Only a retarded cunt thinks that way. In fact, I’ll go so far as to say that if you think the world owes you a pickup truck then I think the world should run you over with said pickup truck. That is what you deserve.

It is no wonder that I think people are shit.

It is because they are.

Not. Bitter.

My Love Affair with…


Well, not the permanent kind of tattoos. The kind of tattoos that can last for a couple of weeks and then go away.

My body is covered in them.


I have no fucking idea. I saw them one day on Amazon and then I bought them and now I am wearing them.

They look cool until they start peeling off.

That is really all I have. It was a stupid observation that I just made and decided to write about it.

Wow. I am a fucking weirdo. Indeed.

Oh, and yes. I love pussy too. Especially shaved pussy which you can clearly see in the picture that goes with the article. Yep. I chose it on purpose. Yum.

HDWGH – Story 17 – Minivan Excitement

HDWGH – Story 17

From The How Did We Get Here Series

Now: Amy Jo Foster is hanging upside down in the driver’s side of her minivan. The minivan is upside down slowly coming to a stop as it spins on the frozen ground. It is winter. Amy’s minivan is sitting in someone’s hedges just slightly off the roadway. As the responding police officer walks up to her side of the minivan to see if she is ok, the door is ajar and a little silver vibrating toy falls from the minivan and into the snow and continues to vibrate. Amy is crying.

Before: Amy Jo Foster couldn’t explain what it was about Vince Lobos that made her feel the way she did. Every time she laid eyes on him her body started to tingle in the places where you wanted your body to tingle. The problem was that he barely noticed her. This morning after watching a video about practicing your personal assertion techniques she felt brave enough to ask Vince out on a date. They worked in the same office but in different departments so dating was allowed by HR.

She dressed up a little more than usual this morning. She wanted everything to be perfect. She jumped into her minivan and headed for work. On the way, she started fantasizing about being with Vince. It was at this point when she decided to utilize external stimulation and reached into her purse for her little “friend” as she called it.

It was at the height of the biggest orgasm she ever had that she realized she had ran through a stop sign just in time to see a Toyota pickup truck hit her in the rear quarter just enough to tip the minivan over onto it’s roof sending it sliding into the nearby hedges of the house on the corner. Her legs were shaking and disbelief rolled through her body. She just hung there inside down for about 10 minutes. Then, the police arrived…


Distractions are the mother of everything wrong in the world. I just took a quick course on LinkedIn Learning about this very topic.

At my age, I’ve seen a lot of things and I’ve read countless self help books. The material in the course wasn’t necessarily new but I like that it sparked some ideas and reignited thinking and patterns associated to why we get so damn distracted.

Email is always the 900 pound gorilla in the room. It is very difficult to get away from. Many people have different ideas and ways of dealing with it. Checking it at certain times during the day is a good way.

The course instructor used two flags on email. The red flag was for what needed to be done today. The yellow flags were things that could wait to be answered. Those he would set a specific time of the week for. I don’t think that would work for us but maybe we could spend the last hour of the day on the yellow flag items?

Turning your phone off or turning off notifications or even turning on your phone “driving” mode can help mitigate distractions.

I thought the course was interesting. Liked the instructor and always like listening to Arianna Huffington’s accent. I am shallow in that regard. I admit it.

Irrational Behavior in Action

There are many forms of irrational behavior but nothing more interesting than that of the female variety.

Scenario #1: The woman has a dog. It is a dog that hates people and bites everyone and everything. The dog is so bad that it can’t be taken out in public if there are people around. The dog is so disruptive that the family has to make plans base around this disruptive dog’s behavior.

A rational view of this situation would dictate that the woman get rid of the dog. That can be in any appropriate manner.

The irrational side of the woman will not get rid of the dog because she feels the dog needs love and she loves the dog. So, the whole family will continue to suffer until the dog dies or divorce happens.

Scenario #2: A certain religion who shall remain nameless has been discredited. The woman’s irrational behavior will still believe in this religion even though it has been proven to be a lie and complete fabrication.

Realism Versus Happyism

This particular jewel of a post is about why my website seems to be so damn negative all of the time. It’s never about anything happy. All of the stuff I write seems to be from the perspective of some old guy who hates everyone.

I prefer not to live in a bubble. The world is not a happy place. It is a dark and sad place. When you look at the terrible things that human beings do to each other each and every day it sickens you. You wonder to yourself how we’ll ever evolve to beings better than where we are now.

I don’t believe we’ll ever see an evolved society like you might see in a science fiction movie or television show. Human beings are way too fucked up for that. And disagreeable, did I mention disagreeable? I think you only need to look as far as our current political system in my country to see how far we have to go as a species. Everything in Washington is a fight, a war, a stand, or some other damn thing that is more about the politicians themselves than the people they are supposed to serve.

We have a representative government which means I don’t give a fuck what the guy I elected thinks. He or she is supposed to vote exactly the way I tell them to. That is how it is supposed to work.

I often post that I wish a big asteroid would smack into our planet and knock humans off of it. We have a habit of dragging everything down with us and I think Earth should be allowed to continue.

We’ll never evolve as a species if we can’t get past our differences and start treating each other better.

I guess that means we’ll never evolve. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to go back to flinging poo.


Wow. I did not realize that I already had a category about death.

The reason that we are all afraid of death is because that we’re afraid of the unknown.

I would argue that death isn’t unknown. I’m sure we’ve all experienced it in some form or another over our lives.

Have you ever blacked out?

Have you ever fallen into a nice deep sleep where your head hits the pillow and the next thing you remember is waking up after that? No dream.

That period of time between your head hitting the pillow and waking up is exactly what death is like.

You obviously won’t even know you are dead. You will know when you are going to sleep but will not realize when you have achieved it. The only thing you’ll know is that you woke up. If you never wake up, then that feeling of knowing you are going to fall asleep will literally be the last thing you remember.

We’re probably more afraid of how we’ll die. I believe that is something that is mostly unknown unless you are suffering from a terminal illness or you plan to end your own life.

Ok. Not sure why I wrote about such a morbid topic.

I hope everyone has a super sparkly day. Whatever the hell that means.


Here is a good analogy for anyone who has been around computers for any real length of time. I’m talking at least 20 years.

My quote of the day.

Anyone who has ever used an encryption program to encrypt personal files and then forgot the password and forever lost the data can understand why cryptocurrency is a bad thing.

Relying on a digital file to hold something of real world value is fool hardy. Holding a coin in your hand is always better than holding a flash drive that could easily get corrupted, accidentally wiped, or stolen. You could make the argument that the thief can’t access the money either but you could always forget your password and then you’d be in the same boat. This has happened before to the tune of millions of dollars. Well, digital made-up dollars at any rate.

The undoing of society will come from a combination of human arrogance and an unnatural reliance on digital creations of our own making that we neither understand nor fully control.