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XKCD for Thursday
Weekly Short Story: Update
I fell behind on this project pretty quickly. I spent the day yesterday writing two new stories so that I would be caught up with my personal commitment. I had been two weeks behind.
There are a couple of points I’d like to make regarding these stories.
The first point is that I have personally committed to writing a story a week for the next year. The first story was released on 9/23/23 so I expect this project to be completed on 9/23/24. With the xtra work I put in yesterday, I am back on schedule. I also believe that the two stories were really good ideas. I like the way they turned out and I hope you do as well.
The second point is that these are written very quickly. They may contain grammatical errors. Sometimes, they get by me. I try to put out a quality piece of work but I am my own editor. That is horrible but it’s what I’ve got.
These stories are a lot of fun to write. I hope you are enjoying them as much as I am.
Thank you.
Microsoft Strikes Again
What you see below is something that should never be seen.
It is Chrome. When I fire up the browser in Windows 11 after the computer has been off for a bit, this happens.
Annoying. For sure.
Ulysses the App
Look at this window.
There is a glaring issue with it. It is missing the maximize, minimize or whateverize the window should have. Meaning that the only way I can get rid of it is to hide it.
I don’t like “hiding” things. Minimize should be available for this type of window.
Ok. Enough venting.
If It Bleeds, It Leads
This is what my iPad widget looks like this morning.
I suppose the Royals are doing something that People doesn’t feel it needs to report on. Which, is strange considering the garbage stories they write about them.
Internet Speeds in the Middle of Nowhere
I live in rural Georgia. Comcast doesn’t come out here. Verizon has no services besides cellular out this way. A T & T has a service but it is really cellular in nature. Earthlink, same thing.
We got Starlink RV last year and it has been pretty good. The biggest download speeds I’ve seen were somewhere around 50 mps. (megabytes per second).
This morning as I was playing around with other things, I saw this in the Clean My Mac app.
Of course, my first thought is “no way!”. So, I run a test on…
So in conclusion, I have no idea why it is suddenly so much faster unless they added satellites and a lot of them or they’ve added a ground station near me.
Leaning towards the latter if the speeds continue. I’ll update the post throughout the day.
Update#1 (0951) – Speeds have decreased.
Update#2 (1322) – Speeds are way down but could be down all over the place.
Update#3 (1446) – Speeds are back up again.
Update#4 (1855) – Last update. Speed went down again.
Great Quote from a Dying Man
Computer science professor Randy Pausch—who had recently received a terminal pancreatic cancer diagnosis—shares some advice two months before his death:
“It is not the things we do in life that we regret on our death bed. It is the things we do not. I assure you I’ve done a lot of really stupid things, and none of them bother me. All the mistakes, and all the dopey things, and all the times I was embarrassed — they don’t matter. What matters is that I can kind of look back and say: Pretty much any time I got the chance to do something cool I tried to grab for it — and that’s where my solace comes from.”
Source: Carnegie Mellon University commencement speech (2008)