HDWGH – Story 56 – Bear Witness
-*From The How Did We Get Here Series*-
**Now**: A very naked Britney Walker let out an earth shattering scream and she dropped her Buffalo Trace and ice on the backyard deck. She was supposed to meet her husband Brad for a little afternoon hanky panky but much to her surprise, Brad was hanging from the railing playing dead as a big brown bear lay on its back in their “party of four” limited edition Jacuzzi. Apparently, having a good time without them.
**Before**: Brad was looking forward to spending some quality time with his wife. It had been ages since they had some alone time since the twins were born. A nice weekend in their Tennessee cabin would be just what the doctor ordered. While Britney was on her way to the cabin from work, stopping to grab a few groceries, Brad worked quickly to get everything ready for their arrival.
Britney was never on time. Never. Brad started to get hungry and decided to make a quick sandwich to hold him over until Britney arrived. He made a quick ham sandwich and while he began to set up the hot tub for their afternoon adventure, he set the sandwich down on the side that was least likely to get wet. No one liked a wet sandwich.
As Brad turned the last water valve to the open position, he caught movement out of the corner of his eye. Expecting his wife, he turned around to find a big brown bear standing on its hind legs staring directly at him. Brad lept off the porch railing and hung on as he pretended to be dead. After all, he heard that was what you were supposed to do in these situations.
Article Titles to Avoid
I have a lot of ideas about what a good title should be when writing an article, book, chapters, or anything else that literally requires some sort of title.
In my most humble opinion, I don’t see the value in taking leaps or making assumptions about how the reader should “feel” about your article. Look at the following example.
19 Photos From Dumpster Divers That’ll Make Anyone Who Hates Waste Scream At The Top Of Their Lungs
Really? If I hate waste (hate is a strong word) then logically (in your mind) I should scream at the top of my lungs?
I don’t think so.
That headline isn’t even good click bait.
I don’t think that you should ever tell anyone how they should feel, how they should live, or anything else really. Why? No one is smart enough to do that. Let’s face it. People are dumb. ALL of us.
Yes. I include myself in that.
Perhaps, the article title could be written in a much better way.
19 Photos from Dumpster Divers.
That title alone peaks my interest. No need to tell me how I should feel about it. I can make that determination on my own. Thank you.
Scary Shit
This article should scare the shit out of you.
Programming is a powerful and ubiquitous problem-solving tool. Systems that can assist programmers or even generate programs themselves could make programming more productive and accessible.
Our movie makers have made countless films about the dangers of A.I. and what that type of future would look like.
Battlestar Galactica
The Terminator
Just to name a couple of them.
Artificial Intelligence or Smart Algorithm?
I stumbled across an ad this morning in the news journal I read.
There is a small snippet that says AI-Vetted.
I want to be clear. As of this writing, there is no such thing as AI. Artificial Intelligence implies sentience which has not yet been achieved. Another way of describing it would be the term “self-aware.”
Science hasn’t built that yet. We throw around the term AI as if that is what the process should be called. How about smart algorithm? It doesn’t sound as cool as AI. However, smart algorithm is what we should be using.
As soon as someone creates AI, I’ll be one of the first people to post about it as I make my way to a remote country to escape the SkyNet that will most assuredly follow.