Obituary Madness

I find it immensely entertaining to read the obituary pages of my local newspaper.


Well, because of all of the bullshit in the short articles about each person. I’m not talking about wild claims of how good of a person they were. No. I’m talking about something even more hilarious.

It is the part that claims that they went somewhere that has me a bit baffled.

John went home to be with the Lord.

No. He didn’t.

He died. John went nowhere. He ceased to exist as John and became a near useless pile of biological matter. People can’t get their heads around death as a concept.

We simply can’t just die. We know all of these things. The human spirit lives on.

None of those things are true.

Death is a very appropriate word even if most people don’t understand what it truly means.

Big Toe Fun

I was in a very big hurry to get my Amazon packages off the front porch when (much to my surprise) I slammed my big toe into a section of the house and broke it open.

It hurts.

It doesn’t hurt as much as I think it should which kind of scares me a little. Since I go barefoot so much, I may just have tough feet.

It was a stupid thing to do and most people would not admit their stupidity.

I will.

Mother’s Day

Found a nice history of Mother’s Day this morning.

I’m pretty sure I’ve always believed that Hallmark created it but they did not. They just profit from it which went against the wishes of the person who officially founded it in the U.S.

I live in a nudist colony. Hence the picture.


This is the first time that I can remember that I don’t recognize any of the names on the famous birthdays page of the newspaper.

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HDWGH – Story 31 – Movie Theater Madness

HDWGH – Story 31 – Movie Theater Madness

From The How Did We Get Here Series

Now: The whole audience turned back in their seats to look at a very naked Marissa James riding young Jared Harper’s cock. Marissa’s immediate guess as to the undivided attention may have been timing. The action on the screen gave way to complete silence for the first time during the movie as Marissa had one of the biggest orgasms of her life. She thought the movie would mask the moans. It did not. Oops.

Before: Marissa James wanted to fuck her boyfriend in a movie theater. It was on her bucket list right up there with joining the mile high club. She loved sex but what really made her super horny was the notion of getting caught. That was why sex in public places appealed so much to her. She completely stripped out of her clothes in the library last week in a section that people rarely visited. The selfies were priceless. She just finished buttoning her blouse to cover her rock hard nipples when the librarian wondered by. Almost getting caught made her so wet that cum dripped down her leg on the way out.

The daring to be caught lifestyle was appealing to her. The parents were a bunch of squares who didn’t have the faintest clue how their VCR worked, let alone have any ideas about what she did when they weren’t around. Her boyfriend suggested that they go see the new Hellboy movie. That would do. “It should be a noisy experience for most of the movie,” Marissa thought to herself.

After parking themselves away from the rest of the audience in the most remote corner they could find, Marissa dropped her dress to the floor revealing…everything. It didn’t take Jared long to pull out his hardening cock. Marissa wrapped her pussy around it and they started getting busy.


I am tired.

That is why you are only getting a drive by post today.

The only thing I can complain about today is the weather. Only the afternoon weather. It rained all of the way into work and I fucking loved it.

Ok. That is all I got.

Apple News

I absolutely love the Apple News app.

The News app on my iPhone that is.

The News app on my computer is something quite different. For me, it all comes down to one simple thing. It is the inability to save anything to Instapaper.

Even though I have the option checked and enabled, it simply doesn’t show up as an option. The only options are apple’s built in choices. So, even though it appears you have choice here you don’t.

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Even though I obviously have it checked here…

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I think the phone just works better anyway but there are times when I am charging my phone that I’d like to be able to just use the M1 MBP.

Ok. My venting is over.

That Smell!

I am riding back and forth to work again on the bike. I absolutely love it.

While riding home this afternoon after it had been raining on and off throughout the day, I couldn’t help but notice how much the outside smelled. Bad.

It smelled like old socks mixed in with a little chicken shit with a side of hairy ass thrown in just in case you still have a sense of smell when it is all over.

Granted. That is not a professional opinion. I’m sure science types would say “math, math, big words, science, and suck it,” or something along those lines.

It still stinks outside. Maybe we should call the cleaning lady.

That is all I’m saying.

Laying out in the Sun

It wasn’t necessarily warm yesterday morning but the sun was so warm on the skin that I ended up laying out for a while.

I have a much smaller area to lay out in than I did last year because this year I am fenced in. It provides a great deal of privacy and is also help cut down on the noise.

My body reacts tremendously well when sunlight is applied to it.

Who knew?